In The Crowd Part 2

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In The Crowd Part 2

Thomas steps closer to me. His hand caresses my cheek. I blush, a lot. I see Kaya and the guys start to back away, giving Thomas and I some privacy. Thomas started to lean down, then I felt his soft lips gently peck my cheek. Thomas titled his head, next to my ear.

“I know we just met, but I think you are amazing,” Thomas whispered into my ear. I felt his hot breath on my face. I feel his lips graze my cheek as he moves his head, back in front of my face.

“Thomas,” I say, very breathy. I feel myself falling for him a little more every second I’m with him.

“Yes, love,” Thomas says. I don’t know why I said that, but I just really love to say his name.

“Nothing. I just wanted to say your name and hear your voice,” I tell Thomas.

“I love your name too, love,” Thomas responds.

“Hey, umm… Thomas, (Y/N), the movie starts in 5 minutes,” Dylan says, placing his hands on one of my shoulders and one of Thomas’ shoulders. I nod and take Thomas’ hand, pulling him with me as I follow Dylan. Thomas lets go of my hand then snakes his arm around my waist. I lay my head on his square shoulder. Dylan walks off as we enter the darkness of the theater. I stop as I realize, this is real, this is legit. Thomas stops too and glances over at me.

“Love, are you okay?” Thomas asks. I nod and smile at his sweetness. Thomas and I climb the stairs to the middle of the big room. Thomas gestures for me to sit, when we find the cast. I take a seat next to Kaya, who sits next to Dylan.

“Hey,” I whisper to Kaya, leaning over towards her.

“Hey!” Kaya said, excitedly, as she noticed I was sitting right next to her. Kaya leaned over and wrapped her arms around me. She’s such a hugger. I saw her like 10 minutes ago and she’s already hugging me. I internally giggle at her cuteness.

“Love, the movie is starting,” Thomas said, tapping my shoulder, pulling me away from Kaya. I sat back in my chair and a smile started to creep onto my face. Then I felt Thomas’ hand touch my hand. His fingers slowly moved in between mine and curled around them. I glanced down at our interlocked hands then back up at the movie. I felt my cheeks warm as I felt Thomas’ hand squeeze mine.

As I watched Chuck die, I felt a tear run down my cheek. No not a tear. Many tears. I sniffle a bit then I feel Thomas’ hand release my hand. Right away I feel alone. That only last a little while because Thomas’ arm slings around my shoulder. He pulls my head down onto his shoulder and holds me close.

When the movie ends, I instantly rise off my chair and clap. Everyone turns to look at me, then follows my lead. I look over to Thomas and he smiles at me. I return the smile. Then as everyone clears, Thomas holds me back.

“Hey, I want to wait until everyone leaves,” Thomas tells me. I just shrug and nod.

After everyone leaves, Thomas takes my hand and then leads me to the stairs. As I start to descend the stairs, Thomas pulls me back up. Then Thomas sits down on one of the steps. I do to. Thomas strokes my hair, then looks into my eyes.

“I really like you,” THomas tells me. I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks.

“I like you too,” I tell Thomas, I chuckle a bit, but Thomas doesn’t. He looks dead serious, so I lose my smile.

“I like that we met. I like your laugh. I like your eyes. I like your smile. And I like your hair. I love every single thing about you,” Thomas tells me. I can tell he means it when I see his eyes glisten with tears. I lean forward. My lips crash into Thomas’. His lips move in sync with mine. My hands find their way to his shaggy, blond hair. Thomas hands move from my upper sides to my lower back.

“Hey, Thomas you coming...” I hear someone say, then the person trails off. Thomas and I both pull away to see Dylan, Ki, Kaya, Will, and most of the main cast peeking in through the door. I see Dylan and Ki smirking stupidly. I blush.

“We’ll be there soon,” Thomas says then pulls my face to his, before they even leave.

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