I'll Leave If You Don't Care Anymore

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I'll Leave If You Don't Care Anymore

I slip into my little black dress that Thomas loves oh so much. Then I step into my black, lace wedges to match. I walk out of the bathroom and look for Thomas. I hope he’s ready, our reservations at for 7 and it’s already 6:45. I walk into the living room when I hear music coming from the stereo. As I enter, I see him sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand, listening to music, very loudly. Thomas types vigorously on his laptop. He’s wearing a t-shirt and boxers. I roll my eyes and groan, but it can’t be heard over the loud music.

“Thomas,” I say, trying to get his attention. He doesn’t hear me. “Thomas!” I yell. He turns towards me and smiles, seeing my dress. “Are you ready?” I ask. Thomas has already turned back towards his laptop. He’s totally ignoring me! I feel my face turn hot as anger rises in me.

“Thomas!” I yell. He still just stares at his screen. I sigh. Fine. I’ll go. I grab my purse and walk out the door, tears welling up in my eyes. Why is he acting so… so not Thomas?! I stomp to the elevator in our apartment and step inside. I slide down the wall of the elevator and just sit there for a while, before pushing the button.

The elevator stops on the ground floor and I hold my head high. I take a deep breath and walk to my car.

I sit in my car for a while. I let the tears fall. Where do I go? Does Thomas even know I’m gone? Should I go to the restaurant alone? Questions rain through my brain like a storm. I start the car and drive to my best friend, Rachel’s house.

I knock on Rachel’s front door. She answers seconds later. Rachel sees the tears in my eyes and instantly pull me into a hug.

“What happened, honey?” she asks, pulling me into the house and onto the couch. I open my mouth to speak, but only a squeaky sob comes out. Rachel hands me a tissue box and I pull one out, wiping away a couple of fallen tears.

“Thomas,” I begin simply. I explain everything. I tell Rachel how Thomas has been ignoring me lately. How he is always sitting around doing nothing, when he’s not working.

Rachel is a great listener. When I’m done she hugs me and we just sit there together on her couch. I cry on her shoulder.

“What if this means Thomas and I are over?” I ask Rachel. She doesn’t say anything. She probably doesn’t know what to say. “I don’t if I could do that, Rach,” I admit to Rachel, tears falling from my eyes.

As if on cue, there’s a knock at the door.

“Come in,” Rachel yells, still holding me. My face is buried in Rachel’s shoulder, so I don’t see who walks in, but I do hear.

“(Y/N),” I hear a familiar british accent say. I lift my head off Rachel’s shoulder and see Thomas standing there. He was wearing a grey suit with a black bowtie. Thomas kneels down in front of me and grasps my hands in his. I don’t know what to say, luckily Thomas talks first.

“(Y/N), I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize what I jerk I was being until I called your name and you weren’t there. I looked around the room and pictured what it would look like if you left. I don't like (Y/N), I don’t like it at all. I felt so small. I felt alone,” Thomas tells me. I feel warm tears fall from my eyes. Then Rachel stands up and leaves us alone. Thomas looks into my eyes and I know he’s asking for forgiveness. I nod and lean in to kiss him on his warm lips.

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now