The Cute Librarian

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The Cute Librarian

I woke up early for my new job at the library. I quickly got dress in a long black cardigan, that covered my butt with a lace, cream tank top and grey leggings. I slip on my black vans and my black coat. Then I jumped into my car and drove to the library.

When I parked my car, I grabbed my purse and slung over my shoulder. Then I opened my car door. As I opened it. Then I get out and walk into the library. I crossed my fingers, hoping this would be a good job. I really needed a good job right now. I stepped through the door and instantly my eyes found this very attractive young man. He looked about my age. The young blond guy was placing books on a shelf. I approached him.

“Excuse me,” I said, sort of quietly. The young blond, jumped a bit. He looked shocked that I was here. He turned slowly and then made eye contact with me. I could see the confusion on his face.

“You must be the new librarian,” he said, returning to him books.

“Umm, yeah. Who are you?” I say. He turns back towards me.

“I’m sorry. That was rude,” the blond man says. Then he puts his hand out, for me to shake. I shake it whilst he continues talking. “I’m Thomas. Thomas Sangster, the main librarian. I’m kind of your boss, but don’t think if me as your boss,” he explained. I nodded, letting go of his large hand.

“You will be the children’s librarian, if that’s okay with you,” Thomas tells me.

“That’s great! I love kids,” I tell Thomas.

“Wonderful! I will show you your area of the library,” Thomas tells me. I nod and follow his as he walks over to the children’s section of the library. Thomas goes through telling me all my jobs and where everything is. He tells me the schedule of a normal day and he tells me about all our special occasions coming up. I nod along, asking question as needed.

I begin working on putting away book before the kids come for read aloud. I had prepared to read a book called “The Rainbow Fish”. I loved that book when I was a kid, so I thought it was perfect. I watched as the kids filed into the small room, that was assigned for read alouds. I began to read and as I did, I saw Thomas slip in through the doors. He was leaning up against the back wall. He was so cute. I tried to focus on my reading, but he was distracting me. I kept catching myself glancing at him every chance I had. I was watching him intently. I swear I saw him wink at me once.

At the end of the book, all the kids filed out of the room to go get the cookies and juice we provide after the read aloud. All the parents stayed and talk to other parents. Some came over and talked to me. They congratulated me on the job and said I did a great job. I thanked everyone of them. Then I grabbed my book and began to head out, when someone tapped my shoulder. Argh, another parent. I turned around to see Thomas, smiling widely.

“Great job,” Thomas said. I smiled back.

“Thank you,” I replied. Thomas put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, so he could whisper in my ear.

“Can I tell you something?” Thomas whispered in my ear. I could feel his warm breath on my ear and my neck. I just nod, unable to speak.

“I think you are very beautiful. Maybe the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Thomas tells me. I heart is racing now. I can’t believe he just said that. What do you say to when someone when they say that!?

“Well, thank you,” I whisper back. I look at his face and notice that he is smirking.

“Would you like to get some coffee after work?” Thomas asks. I nod in response, then he just walks away, leaving me in shock. I feel a smile creep onto my face.

It takes for ever for work to end. I have been impatiently waiting for hours for work to end.

“You ready?” Thomas asks, walking up from behind me. Scaring me a bit.

“Sorry, love, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Thomas says. I smile at his cute nickname for me.

“It’s okay. And yes, I am ready,” I tell Thomas. He nods then kisses my cheek quickly. I begin to walk out the door and then I feel Thomas put his hand on my back as we walk out together. He helped me into his car, opening the door for me like a gentleman. Then he scurried over to his side. Thomas got in, then turned to look at me. He just stared at me for a while.

“Thomas?” I said after a long time of him just staring. He shakes his head, snapping himself out of his trance.

“I’m sorry, you are just so pretty,” Thomas explained. He lays his arm on the back of the passenger seat, then starts to drive to a coffee shop.

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