You Drive Me Crazy

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You Drive Me Crazy

“Thomas! Why are you so annoying!?” I scream. Thomas has been my friend for about four years, but sometimes he makes me want to blow out my brains. He can be the sweetest person ever, but other times acts like such a jerk. Like today, he told all his friends that I wanted to make out with him. I hates when he did stuff like that.

“Yeah, I’m the annoying one,” Thomas says sarcastically. I roll my eyes at him. Pushing him a little as we sit on the floor, leaning against the couch at my house. Thomas came over when his friends started making fun of him.

“Yes! You are! Why would you tell your dumb friends I wanted to make out with you!” I screamed at Thomas. He looked a little hurt by my words, then anger covered his hurt on his face.

“Because you told my friends my secret!” Thomas yelled back. I rolled my eyes, smirking a bit.

“Oh, you mean the secret about how you haven’t kissed a girl yet!” I mockingly yell at Thomas.

“Hey, I’ve been waiting for the right girl!” Thomas blurted back, kind of quieter than the yelling we’ve been doing.

“Yeah, whatever,” I said back, rolling my eyes once again. Thomas poked my sides, tickling me.

“Thomas, stop!” I scream. Thomas stops tickling me, but when he does he pins me to the floor. Thomas starts laughing hysterically as I struggle out of his grip, but fail miserably. I feel anger pump through my blood. The adrenaline surges as I push Thomas off me. I flip us both over so I’m on top of Thomas now. I let out a chuckle as I see the shock that came across Thomas’ face.

“Ha! I win!” I yell into Thomas’ still shocked face. His cheeks turn a bright red as he realizes his defeat.

“Yeah, whatever,” Thomas says, grumpily. Then an evil smirk dances on his face as he grabs my wrist and flips us over again. So now Thomas is on top of me and his face is very close.

“Thomas get off!” I yell in his face, very loudly. Thomas seems a bit shocked, he blinks his eyes rapidly.

“Now why would I do that?” Thomas asked, acting dumb and annoying, like always. I roll my eyes slightly.

“Because I said so,” I explain, not knowing what else to say. Thomas cocks his head to the left.

“Really that’s the best you come up with,” Thomas blurts out, laughing hysterically. I hate this guy sometimes.

“I hate you,” I say, smugly.

“Well, I hate you too,” Thomas says angrily.

“Get off me!” I yell in Thomas’ ear. Making him lose grip on my wrist. I use this as a chance to push him off me. I roll over so Thomas is on the bottom. Then I rise off him and run to the kitchen. I hear Thomas stumbling behind me. I hurry up and grab the spray bottle, I use to water my house plants. I turn just in time to spray Thomas in the face. I keep spraying him until he reaches for it and rips it from my grasp. Thomas pins me up against the fridge in the kitchen. Then he holds my wrists up so they are at the same height as my head. He is even closer to me than before and for some reason I want him closer. Stop! No! Don’t think like that (Y/N)! He’s being a jerk right now. He’s also very close to me. His chest his touching mine. I can feel his heart beat. I can feel his breath. In and out. In and out. Our breathing is almost insync.

“You drive me crazy,” Thomas whisper yells, less than an inch away from my face.

“How do I drive you crazy? If anything it’s the other way around,” I tell Thomas.

“You really want to know how you drive me crazy,” Thomas says. I just nod, simply. Thomas puts the back of his hand on my cheek. My eyes widen at the touch.

“Like this,” Thomas blurts. He pushes me against the fridge once again, attaching his lips with mine. For some reason I like this more than I thought I would. I kiss him back, harder. Maybe Thomas was right, I do want to make out with him. I want to pull him closer to me, but my hands are still pinned up, over my head. Thomas’ lips are soft and warm on mine and he kisses me long and hard. I feel his hands leave my wrists and run up and down my sides. I use this to my advantage. I grab the collar of his shirt, whilst still kissing him, and pull him closer to me. I feel Thomas smile slightly into the kiss. I push him back a bit and lay my forehead on his.

“Thomas,” I say, very breathy. It takes me a while to catch my breath, but when I do, I pull him back on me. Our lips reattach and Thomas groans slightly. I use this to my advantage. Still holding the collar of his shirt, I spin us both around, so that Thomas is against the fridge and I am not. I push him up against it and kissed him, hard. I pull away as Thomas starts to laugh.

“What?” I ask, giving him a confused look.

“You always want to try to win,” Thomas laughs. I smirk at him and lay my head on his muscular chest. Then I roll my eyes at his annoyingness.

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now