Newt Imagine: Please, (Y/N). Please

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Newt Imagine: Please, (Y/N). Please

“(Y/N) kill me!” Newt yelled in my face, I felt his spit hit my face. I shook my head vigorously.

“No, Newt. I can’t. I won’t. I love you…” I rested my hand on my stomach where our child is growing. “We love you,” I cry out.

“And that’s why you must. I don’t want to you hurt you or the baby. (Y/N), I’m dangerous…” Newt trailed off. I caressed his cheek with my hand and held it there, savoring the moment. Then I stepped closer to his trembling body. I laid my head on his chest and felt the quickness of his heartbeat and his uneven breathing. I then wrapped my arms around his torso. I felt Newt try to resist, but I held him tight in my arms.

“Newt, I love you so so so much. I can’t…” I trail off too, unable to say the words. Newt pushes me off him, half-heartedly. I saw the pain in his crazed eyes. I saw tears threatening to escape from his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. Those eyes that I fell in love with and that make my heart melt.

“(Y/N), I’m begging you. Keep our child safe. Kill me so I don’t hurt you or the baby. I couldn’t live with myself if I even laid a finger on either of you,” Newt stuttered. Then he fell to his knees, hugging my legs. I felt his warm tears run down the skin of my legs. I felt my own tears fall from my eyes as Newt looks up at me and picks up the gun from the ground by my feet. Then his shaky hand places the loaded gun in my sweaty hand. I feel the lump in my throat grow as Newt’s eyes change from angry and scared to lustful and loving. I stare into the eyes that I will never forget and always love. I grip the gun harder. My fingers wrap around the grip of the gun. I gulp loudly and kneel down in front of Newt. I caress his cheek again with the hand that isn’t holding the gun.

“Newt, I’ll never stop loving you. I’ll always keep you in my heart. No matter what happens,” I say, then I connect our lips for one last, passionate kiss. I slowly pull away and watch Newt’s eyes fill with sorrow.

“And I will be waiting for you up there. Waiting for the day you come back to me,” Newt tells me before kissing my cheek lightly. I take a deep breath and then lift the gun to Newt’s forehead. I hold it there for a while before opening my mouth to speak.

“Are you sure?” I ask, my voice cracking and shaking at the same time. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping he’ll say ‘no, lets go and start our family’, even though I know he wouldn’t say that.

“Please, (Y/N). Please,” Newt said sternly. I gulped again.

“I love you, Newt,” I whimpered.

“I love you too, (Y/N),” Newt whispered back, except when Newt said it he sounded strong, unlike me. I sounded hurt and in pain, which I was. I moved my index finger onto the trigger.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered under my breath as I slowly pulled the trigger. BANG! The sound rang in my ears. I watched as Newt’s body went from strong and firm to limp and lifeless. I dropped the gun out of my hands and caught Newt’s body as his soul left his body. I collapsed on the ground with Newt’s body in my arms.

“I’m so sorry, baby! I love you so much!” I screamed into Newt’s chest. I held my head to my heart, hoping to feel his heartbeat, but I felt nothing. I felt my sobs get louder and more painful as my throat started to become sore. I balled my fist and slammed it onto the cold, hard cement that Newt and I lay upon. I buried my face even further into Newt’s chest.

“I love you, Newt!” I screamed into his lifeless body. “I love you,” I whispered. Then I lifted my head off Newt and looked down at my stomach. I rubbed it gently. “He was a good man, baby. And he loved you with all his heart,” I whispered to our baby.

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