Newt: Bonfire

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Newt: Bonfire

I sit up against a log as I watch a raging fire. I can’t help, but notice the new greenie, what’s his name? Newt. He sits by himself, staring into the fire just like me. He sits kind of across from me. It hits me that he’s might be staring at me, not the fire. I decide to go talk to him. Slowly, I get up and walk over to where the blond haired boy sits.

“Can I sit, greenie?” I ask. He just looks up at me and nods. I smile and sit next to him. I see he has a glass of Gally’s trade secret drink. I take it out of his hands and gulp some down. I hate this klunk, but it makes me feel a lot better about being here. It lets me relax a bit and as a keeper, I’m never relaxed.

“I’m Newt,” the greenie blurts. I turn to look at him.

“Huh?” I say. I actually didn’t hear what he said. It’s very loud with all the guys yelling, talking, and fighting.

“My name, it’s Newt,” greenie told me. I nod.

“(Y/N),” I say, sticking my hand out for him to shake. Newt grabs my hand and shakes, like I intended. Then I glare down at my glass or should I saw Newt’s glass. I choked down some more. God I hate this stuff.

“So, do you actually like that?” Newt asks me, gesturing towards the glass filled with a suspicious liquid, in my hand.

“Nope,” I say plainly. Newt chuckled.

“Can I ask you something?” Newt asked after a long awkward silence. I nod. He continues. “Are we stuck here?” he asked, fidgeting with his fingers, in his lap. I took a deep breath before replying.

“For the moment,” I say. I keep a straight face the whole time. I’m usually the one who talks to the greenies about this stuff. I guess I seem less intimidating than Alby or Gally.

“Do you think we’ll get out?” he asks, emphasizing the word you.

“I think anything is possible. I think if we work hard enough we can do anything,” I say.

“Yeah, but do you think we’ll get out?” he asks again. I guess he was listening well because I purposely didn’t say the actual words ‘yes I do think we’ll got out.’ I sigh. I think long and hard about the question.

“I don’t know,” I say.

“How long have you guys been looking?” he asks.

“Barely a year,” I tell Newt. Newt just nods his head. Then he opens his mouth, like he’s about to say something.

“Hey, (Y/N)!” Minho says, walking over to us. He slurs his words and I can tell he had one too many of Gally’s special drinks.

“Hey Minho,” I say. “Minho this is Newt. Newt, Minho,” I introduce them. I gesture towards them as I say each of their names. Newt smiles and nods towards Minho. I can tell he’s kind of shy.

“Hey, shuckface, do ya talk?” Minho said, a little too loud for my liking.

“Minho!” I say. I’ve always known Minho t be sassy and way too into people’s business, but this is just rude. “Why don’t you go get me and Newt another drink,” I say, wagging my glass in front of his face. He sighs, grabbing the glass and walking away. I hope he’s too drunk to actually come back.

“Sorry for Minho,” I say, kind of feeling bad for his drunkenness. “He’s really sweet most of the time,” I tell Newt.

“It’s okay,” is all he says back.

“Were you gonna say something before he came?” I ask, remembering how he opened his mouth. He looked like he was gonna say something.

“Umm… Yeah, but it doesn’t matter,” Newt says, shyly. He head drops, so he’s staring at his lap.

“Newt…” I begin, trying to get him to look at me. “It matters to me,” I say, trying to be polite.

“I was wondering if you… Umm… Had a boyfriend?” Newt stutters. My face lights up at his words.

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