Kiss Cam

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Kiss Cam

“(Y/N) you wanna go to this basketball game tonight with Dylan, Ki, Will, and I?” Thomas asked me. Pulling a ticket out of his pocket.

“Yeah sure,” I replied, taking the ticket from Thomas.

“We’ll pick you up around 7:00,” Thomas informs me. I nod and start walking back to my house. A smile creeps onto my face as I think about hanging out with ‘my boys’. I love hanging out with them, it’s always so much fun.

I hear a honk from outside my house. I glance out the window and see Will, Dylan, Ki, and Thomas sitting in Thomas’ car, waiting for me. I stumble down the stairs, slip on my black vans and grab my crossbody purse. Then I run out the front door. I hear all the boys start hollering at me as they see me jogging to the car. I roll my eyes at their immaturity. I slide into the back seat of the car. I notice that Thomas is driving and Dylan is sitting in the passenger seat. In the backseat Ki is on the opposite side that I am and Will is in the middle.

“Hey!” Dylan and Ki yelled as I buckled up.  

“Hey,” I reply.

“How are you?” Thomas asks, a little less loud.

“Good. Thanks for inviting me guys,” I say.

“Anytime,” Will says, as Thomas starts driving.

The rest of the car die was filled with Will cracking jokes, Ki making everyone laugh, and Dylan making fun of everyone in the car, in a good way. Once we got there all the boys rushed out of the car. They were all so excited. The boys started running into the arena. I followed, trying to catch up to them.

We finally found our seats. I sat in between Thomas and Ki. Next to Thomas was Dylan then Will. Dylan had insisted on buying everyone matching shirts and foam fingers, so that’s what happened.

The game was filled with lots of screaming, yelling, and chanting from ‘my boys’. I had always liked basketball and ended up getting really into the game, like the boys. Bythe end of the first quarter I was yelling and screaming louder than the boys.

When one of the players shot a half court shot and made it, all of us jumped up, out of our seats and through our hands up in the air, screaming.

“OH MY GOD!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

“HOLY CRAP!” I hear Dylan yell.

“AHHH!!!” Will, Ki, and Thomas all yell. Dyan and I then add to their yelling.

Then at halftime Dylan, Will, and Ki all left to get something to eat. It was just Thomas and I. I kind of have a huge crush on Thomas, but he doesn’t know. Or atleast I hope he doesn’t know.

“So, how are you liking the game so far?” Thomas asks me.

“Great!” I tell him, with a huge smile on my face.

“Now, it’s everyone’s favorite halftime special!” the announcer said. “Here comes the Kiss Cam!” he said over exaggerating the words. I look up, at the huge screen to see a cute couple kissing. I smile at how cliché it is. Then I see Thomas on the screen, but he’s not alone. I’m on the screen too. We are both dumbfounded as we see our faces on the screen. I turn to Thomas, seeing he is already looking at me, with wide eyes. I decide to use this opportunity to see if Thomas likes me back. I lay my arms around his neck and pull him into a long, passionate kiss. I feel Thomas kiss me back. Then I hear a bunch of cheers, they sound closer and louder than before. I pull away and turn my head to see Dylan, Will, and Ki standing their with smug looks on their faces, cheering and laughing.

“Finally,” I hear Dylan scoff under his breath.

“It took you long enough,” Ki says, rolling his eyes at us. The 3 boys sat back in their spots, like nothing happened. I turned back to look at Thomas. He had a kind of sly grin on his face. I smiled back. We didn’t talk for the rest of the game.

Then when the game was over, Dylan, Ki, and Will hurried into the back of the car, so I was forced to sit, awkwardly, with Thomas, in the front.

Thomas dropped Dylan, Ki, and Will off first, then went to drop me off last. It was a silent ride after all the other boys left.

“Umm… I’m sorry about earlier,” I said under my breath.

“Why are you sorry?” Thomas asks, turning towards me tilting his head in confusion.

“You know… I really don’t know. It’s just I felt like I should say it,” I confess to Thomas.

“Well don’t be sorry. It was good,” Thomas says. I turn and look at him. A blush covers his face.

“Really?” I say. Now I tilt my head.

“Yeah… Umm… Can I tell you something?” Thomas stutters. I nod slowly, words unable to come to me. “Umm… Well,” Thomas begins to say, rubbing his neck after parking the car in my driveway. “I like you. Like a lot,” Thomas confesses. A smile is paints itself on my face. Then I lean into him and kiss him again. The kiss is long and passionate, even more than before.

“I’m going to assume you like me too,” Thomas says, raising an eyebrow. I smile and kiss him again. Everytime I kiss him, it’s better and better.

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