This Can't Be Good

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This Can’t Be Good

I’ve secretly have a huge crush on my friend’s boyfriend. I know, I’m the worst friends ever, but I can’t help my feelings. Stupid hormones!

Tonight my friend, Mia, invited me over to her house. So I accepted, not knowing it was going to be more of a party. I entered her house to see her boyfriend, Thomas, and some of his friends, plus a couple of Mia and I’ other friends. I hear a chorus of ‘hi’s as I walk in. Oh god. My eyes went wide at the sight of all these people. I scan the room and my eyes land on Thomas. I just stare for a while. Stop! I shake my head, returning from my trance. Mia pats the couch between her and Thomas. I gulp and walk over to the spot on the couch. I sit between my friend and her boyfriend. Crap! This can’t end well. I’m really weird about my crushes. I always act awkward and stupid when I like a guy. I hate it.

I try not to focus on Thomas. So I decide to watch the movie. Every so often someone would start talking and I’d just listen. I don’t want to say anything stupid in front of Thomas.

About halfway through the movie Mia gets up from her spot to use the bathroom. I tense up, now it’s just Thomas and I on the couch. I see Thomas lean towards me out of the corner of my eye. I turn to see Thomas staring at me.

“Hey, (Y/N), you okay,” Thomas asks. “You haven’t said a word all night,” Thomas tells me. I just nod. Thomas’ hand touches my forearm and I whip my head in his direction.

“I’m fine, Thomas,” I say, a little more rude than I should have and a little louder than I would have wanted. Everyone turns towards Thomas and I. They just stare for a while then turn back to the movie. Thomas’ hand is still on my arm, but I turn back to the movie anyway. I leave Thomas staring at me with wide eyes, very confused. Then I feel Thomas pulling me up and over to the kitchen. He pulls me in and closes the door behind us. Thomas turns towards me, with a concerned look on his face.

“Why’d you do that?” I asked, sounding kind of moody.

“What’s up with you? We used to talk all the time at the beginning of Mia and I’s relationship now you can’t even look at me!” Thomas practically yelled. I stepped forward, towards Thomas a bit. I wanted to kiss him, here and now, but that would be a jerk move, since he’s dating one of my friends.

“I’m fine!” I said, angrily. Pushing past him, since he was blocking the door. I wanted to get out of here.

“No, you’re not!” Thomas yelled back, grabbing my wrist. He pulled me back, so I was facing him. I pulled my arm free from his grip. Then I just stared into his perfect eyes. The eyes I wish I could stare in all the time, but I can’t. They aren’t my boyfriend’s eyes. They are Mia’s boyfriend’s eyes. I try to look away, but my heart won’t let me. I end up leaning. Leaning in, towards Thomas. I lean so far that our lips touch. No, not touch connect. Before I knew it, Thomas is kissing me back. His hands rest on my hips and mine are tangled in his perfect blond hair.

“Thomas! (Y/N)! What’s going on?!” I hear Mia yell. I pull away from Thomas and instantly regret this entire day. I regret everything. Coming here. Ignoring Thomas. Kissing Thomas. I’m the worst friend ever! I feel tears gathering in my eyes.

“Mia, I’m so sorry!” I say, my voice cracks as I sob.

“Stop,” Mia starts. Her face doesn’t look mad. It looks somewhat relieved.

“Mia,” I say quietly.

“(Y/N), I knew you liked Thomas. It’s okay. And Thomas, I know you like her too. I’ve known you like each other for weeks now. It’s okay,” Mia tells us. My jaw drops. Thomas likes me too. I glance over at him and he has a smirk on his face. He walks over to Mia and hugs her. Then, when they let go of each other, Mia leaves the kitchen. Thomas turns around, walking over to me. Then his hand caresses my cheek as he leans in to kiss me again. I pull away a little too fast.

“What just happened?!” I ask Thomas, freaking out a little bit.

“I’m not sure, but I’ve learned to just roll with it,” Thomas says, kissing me again. I kiss him back. I’m just gonna roll with it.

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now