I Hate Him

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I Hate Him

I drove to the set of the Scorch Trials. I had never been so excited and so aggravated about a job before. I tried to convince myself to be happy about this job, since this is kinda my big break, but I can't stop the tension growing inside me knowing that Thomas Brodie Sangster was also in this movie.

Thomas and I went to school together when we were younger. Everyday in first and second grade he would tease me. I know he was just a being a boy, but I hated it and every since then I've hated him. I got so mad at him every time he would come near me. I remember feeling my cheeks turn bright red with anger as fury build in my body. I bet you could even see smoke coming out of my ears.

I took a deep breath as I pulled into the parking lot.

"Just stay calm." I kept repeating over and over again, under my breath. As I began to make my way into the large building where we were filming the indoor shots. My fingers twiddled with the string on my bag that draped over my shoulder.

I am greeted by hundreds of people, actors, writers, crew. Then I saw him. He was sitting in a chair with Dylan O'Brien and Ki Hong Lee. I couldn't help myself, I stared at him with rage in my eyes. I hoped he wouldn't look up from his conversation, but of course he did.

His eyes meet mine and his smile turns to a frown. I wish I could look away, but my eyes keep staring at him. I feel my eyebrows furrowing as the anger inside me continues to build. I watch him as he rises from his seat and strides over to me. He walks right up to me and is about an inch from my face. I can tell he remembers me when a devilish grin forms on his face.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Thomas greets me, knowing that I remember as well.

"Tommy." I state plainly as I continue to stare into his eyes. I never notices how perfectly brown they are. Thomas' voice pulls me out of my weird trance.

"So, I guess the rumors are true. You're playing Sonya." Thomas seems to be kind of surprised about this.

"Yeah." I reply, sounding kind of dumb. Then, before Thomas can say anything else, I spin around, whipping my hair in his face and stomp off. I can feel Thomas' eyes watching me as I walk away.

My first day was really tiring, especially having to avoid Thomas the whole time. I always find him watching me or overhear him whispering about me. I just wait for the annoying to start up again.

I gather my things and place them in my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. I started to make my way back to my car, when I hear my name being called by a British accent. I lazily turned in the direction of the voice and slightly groan under my breath. My hip pops out and my hand rests on it.

"What Thomas?" I ask him. Thomas looks shocked at my tone of voice. He quickly catches up to where I'm standing and gives me a timid smile.

"Umm... There's this party and, well, everyone's going... And they wanted me to ask you if you wanted to come." Thomas asks. I notice that he's fidgeting with his jacket the whole time and avoiding eye contact with me.

"I would, but I don't think that'd be a good idea. I have really early shooting tomorrow... And, you know... Other stuff." I say, making up an excuse to not have to be with Thomas any longer. When the words come out of my mouth, Thomas' eyes finally meet mine. They give off a little sadness and disappointment. I push back the sympathy I start to feel for him and turn around, leaving him standing there, watching me go.

A month went by and Thomas and I don't really talk much. I started spending a lot of time with Rosa and Jacob. We are all newbies, so we kind of bonded over the fact they we all knew no one.

We had started filming in the desert in New Mexico just a week ago. Rosa, Jacob, and I started to hang out with the rest of the cast a little more, but I always stayed clear of Thomas. I loved being with Ki Hong and Dexter. They reminded me of my brothers. I missed my brothers so much, that was the only part of this job I hated. And ever since my parents died in a car accident a couple years ago, my brothers and I got really close.

Dexter always gives me piggyback rides and Ki Hong always gives me his jacket when I'm really cold, but every time they were around me I could see Thomas staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I tried to ignore it, but today was the last straw. I was so sick of him always being weird around me. I turned from my conversation with Dex and Ki and stomped over to Thomas, who was leaning against a wall just watching us. His eyebrows were furrowed, as if he was mad, but as soon as he realized I was coming for him, his expression went from mad to surprised and maybe even a little bit scared.

"Thomas, what's your problem? Why are you always watching me with a mad look on your face? I know you hate me, but can't we just get over our differences and be normal?" I practically scream. All eyes land on us. I hear someone whispering around me, but I'm not sure who it is or what they are saying. And at this point I don't care.

Thomas' face started to soften as he spoke.

"I don't hate you." Is all he says as I continue to stare at him. There is a long pause before Thomas speaks again. "I don't hate you!" he almost yells, trying to make a point.

"Then how do you feel about me?" I ask, expecting him to say he despises me or loathe me. Thomas takes a step closer, lifting his hand on my cheek. As the skin of his fingers touch my cheek, I inhale sharply, surprised at his action.

"I love you." Thomas blurts, then, without warning, presses his lips against mine. My posture quickly tightens and I feel a sensation growing in my stomach. Then before I know it, I'm kissing him back. My hands rest on his shoulders. I suddenly feel all the tension in my body float away to oblivion.   

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