My Prince

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My Prince

I stumbled over to the casting list for the play I tried out for, ‘Snow White’. I feel my hands start to shake. I really, really, really wanted to be Snow White. I get up to the large poster, where all the roles are casted and scan the list for my name. I start at the bottom and make my way to the top. I begin to read names of my friends and classmates.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

I reach the top of the list. I haven’t read my name yet.

Please, please, please!

I begin to read the name of Snow White.


I almost screamed and cried and jumped up and down, crazily. I can’t believe it! A smile creeped onto my face. I scanned the list one more time, just to see who the prince is. My heart skips a beat when I read the name.

Thomas Sangster! Oh my gosh!

I’ve had a crush on Thomas since like the 7th grade and now I’m a senior in high school and I still have a huge crush on him. My palms start to sweat just thinking about it. Thomas is going to kiss me in the play. I feel butterflies flutter in my stomach.

“So it looks like you are going to be my princess,” I hear someone say from behind me. I jump a bit, pulling me out of my daze. I whip my head around to see Thomas. Oh my god! I feel my smile get even bigger when I see his smile. I kind of drop my head, shyly.

“Yeah,” I say simply, to the ground.

“I was wondering if you wanted to rehearse our parts together, you know on our own time,” Thomas asks me. I look up at him. He’s rubbing the back of his neck, kind of nervously.

“Yeah, sure,” I reply. Thomas head pops back up and a smile is plastered on his face.

“Okay, cool. Umm… How about tonight, after school, at my house,” Thomas asks.

“Umm…” I say, thinking of what I have after school. Nothing. Good. “Yeah, tonight will work,” I tell Thomas.

“Alright, well, how about we meet here after school and I can give you a lift to my place,” Thomas says. I nod slowly.

“Okay, I better get going. Bye,” I tell Thomas and wave at Thomas. Then I walk out of the auditorium and head to my next class.

The day takes forever. Classes seem to go by slower than normal. Finally all my classes are over with and I hurry to my locker, grab my stuff, then head over to the auditorium. When I get there, I see Thomas leaning against a wall watching me enter the dimly lit room.

“Hey,” Thomas said, kind of quietly.

“Hey,” I say back.

“You ready?” Thomas asks. I nod and we both walk out of the school, silently. Thomas leads me to his car and we both get in. We don’t talk the entire way to his house. I wanted to, but I couldn’t think of anything to say. When we get to Thomas’ house, he hurriedly gets out of the car.

“Just wait,” Thomas tells me. So I do. Thomas runs around the front of the car and opens my door for me. He’s such a gentleman. I smile when he puts his hand out for me to take. I do and he pulls me up, out of the car.

“Thank you,” I say, kind of shyly and under my breath. Thomas bows and smiles widely.

“You’re welcome, m’lady,” Thomas says. I smile at him. He’s already getting into character. I curtsey back, by pulling the sides of my black circle skirt out. Then we both start laughing hysterically, when Thomas hooks arms with me. We skip into Thomas’ house. No one was home so we decide to rehearse in the living room. Thomas gestures for me to sit down on the couch, so I do. Then Thomas sits next to me, really close to me. We both pull out our scripts.

“So shall we start at the part where we first meet,” Thomas says. I nod, flipping to the right page.

“Alright, so you come after I start singing,” I tell Thomas. He nods. I feel kind of nervous. I haven’t really sang in front of anyone except my family and the people who I auditioned for.

“Are you okay?” Thomas asks. I realize I’ve been in a daze for a while, just staring at the floor. I look back up at Thomas.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just I haven’t sang in front of many people before,” I tell Thomas, kind of shyly.

“Oh, well, maybe try closing your eyes,” Thomas suggested. I nod and do what he says. Then I begin to sing my song.

I'm wishing

for the one I love

to find me


I'm hoping

and I'm dreaming of

the nice things he'll say

I sang. Then I stopped, as I finished my song. I waited for Thomas to say his line, but he didn’t, so I open my eyes. Thomas is just staring at me with wide eyes and his mouth agape.

“Thomas?” I say. His seems to shake his head, out of his daze. A smile consumes his face.

“You are amazing!” Thomas tells me. I look down and smile a bit. I feel a blush creep onto my face.

“Thank you,” I say quietly.

We read through the rest of our scenes. The only scene we have left, together, is our kissing scene. I’m laying across the couch. Thomas is kneeling next to my head. My eyes are gently shut. I breath slowly, but my heartbeat is racing. I feel one of Thomas’ large, muscular hands caress my cheek and the other gently stroke my hair. I feel him get closer to my face, his warm breath hitting my face. I felt his lips brush across my face. I felt his lips peck my cheeks, my forehead, then my nose. What is he doing? Thomas’ lips moved down the side of my face then connecting with my jaw. Moving further down, to my neck. My eyes were still closed. I really wanted to open them, but I also don’t. I feel Thomas’ lips trail back up my neck, up my jaw, up my cheek and then onto my lips. His kiss was warm and lingering. I used all my energy trying not to grab him and pull him on top of me. When Thomas pulled away, I opened my eyes, maybe a little too early and a little too fast. Thomas’ eyes were filled with lust. I blushed a bit then the urge to pull him on top of me took over. Before I knew it he was kissing me again, except this time he was laying on top me. Thomas’ body was warm. I couldn’t get enough of him or his warm body. I wanted more. Thomas’ lips were everywhere on my face and neck. He was so sweet about it though. I just wanted more and I could tell Thomas wanted more of me too. I lean my head back and feel Thomas’ lips brush up my neck. His arms holding my face. Then he pulls away from me and looks me in the eyes.

“How was that m’lady?” Thomas asks. I giggle a bit and pull him back into a kiss.

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