Newt Imagine: Stop Ignoring Me!

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Newt Imagine: Stop Ignoring Me!

I walk through the glade, trying to find Newt. He’s kind of been ignoring me. It all started about 3 weeks ago when the new greenie, Thomas, arrived. Newt has been spending all his time with him. I’m not jealous, but I really miss my best friend.

I see Newt walking into the homestead.

“Hey! Newt!” I yell and wave my hands in the air, trying to get his attention. Newt turns his head, seeing me. Then he turns away and starts to speed up. Now he’s speed walking into the homestead. I groan. “Newt! Wait! Newt!” I yell, running after him. Newt turns his head once more, making eye contact with me for about 5 seconds before looking straight forward again. I watch him quicken his pace once again. I do the same, trying to catch up with him.

Newt enters the homestead, I’m only a couple feet behind him at this point. I may not be fast, but I was able to catch up to Newt, since he has the limp. I watch Newt scurry up the stairs. I follow, only a couple steps behind him.

Newt reaches the top step and then runs into his room. I watch as he tries to slam the door shut, but I stick my foot in the crack before he can fully shut it. I fling open the door and stomp inside.

“Newt! What’s up with you?!” I scream into his face. Newt’s face looks hurt, but also kind of mad.

“Nothing,” Newt huffed under his breath. I gave Newt the meanest death glare I could and then walked up to him so I was inches away from him. I stabbed him in the chest with my index finger.

“Stop lying Newt! I’m sick of the lies!” I shout in Newt’s face, jabbing him even harder with my finger. “Why do you keep ignoring me? Do you not like me anymore? Do you hate me that much?!” I yell now using my whole hand to push him backwards. I begin to push him further and further back, until I have him pinned up against the wall. Even with him pinned to the wall, I keep shoving his body back into the wall. Newt doesn’t stop me. He just lets me push him around.

“(Y/N)...” Newt begins. I continue to hit him in the chest, harder and harder with each blow.

“No, Newt! Tell me why you have been ignoring me! Now!” I yell, getting even closer to Newt, even though he’s up against the wall.

“Fine! I’ll tell you…” Newt says. His voice going from mean and hurtful to quiet and hurt. I My body is filled with mixed emotions and I can’t decide how I feel about this situation, so I just let Newt continue.

“Go on,” I say sternly, folding my arms over my chest.

“(Y/N) you make me crazy. My heart beats crazily when ever I see you, let alone be around you. God (Y/N)! Why don’t you get that I love you!?” Newt almost screams at me. I’m taken aback by what Newt said. My eyes widen a bit, then they narrow and a smirk finds its way onto my face.

“So, what are you gonna do about it?” I say, tilting my head and lifting my eyebrow. Before I could even think about what I’ve just said, Newt’s hands grab my hips and pull me towards him. Newt turns both of us so I’m against the wall now. Newt pushes me against the wall and his lips hover over mine.

“I’m gonna do this,” Newt whispers. I feel his hot breath on my lips. Then Newt pushes forward so his lips slam into mine. We move our lips in sync. Then Newt pulls away for a breath. He attaches his lips to my collarbone and kisses my up my neck. I lay my head back against the wall.

“Newt…” I whisper. Newt runs his hands up my sides and then leans back.

“Is that what you were hoping for?” Newt asked as I started to kiss Newt’s neck. I moan in response and Newt chuckles. “That’s what I thought,” Newt said.

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