Drunk Boyfriend

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Drunk Boyfriend

I watched my boyfriend, Danny, gulp down another beer. I slowly sip my lemon water. Danny gets the bartender to pour him another beer.

“Babe, I think you’ve had enough,” I say, quietly. Danny snatches the beer from the bartender, then turns to me. His bloodshot eyes stare me down.

“I say when enough is enough,” Danny tells me sternly grabbing my forearm violently. I just nod slowly. Danny jugged another then stood up. He stumbled a little as he dragged me out the door, but caught his balance. He pushed me into the truck and I shuttered. I know he’s too drunk to drive, but I don’t want to say anything about it. My fingers wrap around the armrest and I dig my nails into the chair.  Then I think of an idea. I slip my phone out of my purse as Danny stumbles to the other side of truck. I scroll through my contacts then find his name. I click on it and begin to text him.

‘Tom, I need help!’ I text to Thomas, my best friend. I get an immediate response.

‘What’s going on?! (Y/N) are you okay? What did Danny do?’ Thomas responded.

‘He’s drunk and I’m afraid of driving with him. I’m at the usual bar.’ I tell Thomas.

‘I’ll be there in 5. Hold on.’ Thomas texts back. I slide my phone back in my purse then Danny steps into the car.

“Umm… Danny, do you wanna get another drink. I’m still kind of thirsty.” I suggest. He glares at me once again.

“We are going home!” Danny says sternly, grabbing my arm and digging his nails into it. I bite my lip so I don’t scream. Atleast I’m distracting him. He finally releases my arm from his grip and I shudder as the pain increases in my arm. Danny turns back to the wheel and puts the key in the ignition. I can tell he’s really drunk by how shaky his hands are. Danny tries to put the key in the slot, but he misses and drops the keys onto the floor of the truck. I let out a slight sigh of relief. Then I hear footsteps outside of the truck. My head whips around, trying to find the source of the sound. I see a shadow of a man creeping around the truck. I pray that it’s Thomas.

“Danny! Don’t ever touch her again!” I hear a familiar voice scream. Then my door flies open. Thomas stands in front of me. I feel his cool fingers touch my skin.

“What the hell is he doing here?” Danny yelled, grasping my arm once again. Inserting his nails into my flesh. I let out a small yelp at the sudden rush of pain. Thomas’ eyes widen and anger fills them.

“Get your bloody hands off her!” Thomas says through gritted teeth. Danny looks up at Thomas and then tightens his grip on my arm. I gasp as the pain hits and I can’t hold it in any longer. Tears fall from my eyes.

“What ya gonna do ‘bout it?” Danny slurs. Thomas jolts backwards then sprints over to Danny’s side of the truck. He whips open the door and grabs Danny by the collar of his shirt. Thomas yanks Danny out of the truck and throws him to the hard ground. I gasp as I hear the groans of the two boys as the start to punch and kick at each other. Not too long after a see Danny get up off the ground and starts to climb back into the truck, angrier than ever. I can practically see the smoke coming out of his ears. Then I watch as Thomas throws him back onto the concrete. This time I stumble out of the truck and start to back away, unable to do anything. I feel cowardice, but this man has already hurt me too much. My shaky hand scavenges for my phone in my pocket. Then I quickly start to dial 911. Right before I press call, I see Thomas walk away from the truck with bloody knuckles and even bloodier. My hands fly to my mouth as I gasp at the sight of my best friend. Thomas staggers over to me. He starts to get really close. Closer than I expected. Closer than he’s ever been. Blood trickles down his face from his nose and lip. Thomas just keeps trudging towards me. Then without warning his lips smash into mine. His hands grab the back of my neck and twirl my hair at the same time. I just stand there for a moment, shocked. Until finally I realize what Thomas just did for me. How much he means to me. I love him. So, I start to kiss back. Our lips mingling. Thomas pulls away after a while, trying to catch his breath. I do the same.

“I love you more than you could ever know,” Thomas huffs, still holding onto the back of my neck. He’s only centimeters from my face and my lips. I decide to reply to his statement by closing the gap between him and I. My lips press against his. Then I pull back.

“Thank you for everything Tom. I love you so much,” I say, breathily.

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