Falling Asleep

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Falling Asleep

I sit in my bed trying to block out the noise of my brother’s sleepover going on in the next room. I roll my eyes at the sound of at least 10 boys laughing, talking, and being plain old annoying. I put my earbuds in my ears and listen to my music whilst reading my book.

After about an hour of the boys still being obnoxiously loud and me reading, I hear a knock at my door. I pull my earbuds out of my ears and furrow my brow.

“Come in,” I say, wondering who it is. I hope it’s not any of Travis’ stupid friends. A head peeked into my room. It was Thomas, one of Travis’ many friends sleeping over tonight. Thomas is one of Travis’ friends, but he is not annoying like the rest of them. Most of them bother me, make dumb jokes, and do stupid stuff. Thomas is different, much different. He’s sweet and thoughtful. He doesn’t laugh when Travis and his friends make some stupid and/or sexist joke about me. Thomas cleans up after himself and thanks my parents for everything. Yeah, he’s way different from the other guys.

“Hey Thomas,” I say, gesturing for him to come into my room. He nods and opens the door a bit more, slides through the crack, then sits on the side of my bed.

“Thanks,” Thomas says, looking down at his feet.

“Umm… Did you need something?” I asked after a long, awkward silence. Thomas shrugged, then turned towards me.

“I just got bored and thought you might be bored too,” Thomas says.

“Oh,” I said simply. Wow, that was a dumb response.

“What were you doing?” Thomas asked. I could tell he really wanted to hang out.

“I was reading, but if you want we could watch a movie on my laptop,” I suggest. I see a smile come across Thomas’ face. I can’t help, but smile back. I just stare at his smile for a while. He is quite an attractive guy. I pull myself out of my trance and grab my laptop.

“What movie should we watch?” I ask Thomas. Thomas shrugs again. Then I gesture him to come and look. So he climbs onto my bed and sits next to me on my queen size bed. I scroll through the movies on netflix.

“Stop!” Thomas practically yells. I stop, realizing what movie he had picked. ‘The Notebook’. I god, I’m gonna cry. I nod slowly. Then click on the movie.

“Be warned, I will cry,” I tell Thomas. Thomas grabs the tissue box I have sitting on my bedside table and sets it in between us.

“Good, then I won’t be crying alone,” Thomas said with a smile plastered on his face. I giggle a bit at his cuteness.

We watched the entire movie without crying, until we got to the last 10ish minutes. Then we both broke down. Thomas handed me a tissue and I took it, wiping away the tears that stained my cheeks. Then I felt Thomas’ arm snake around my waist. He pulled me closer to his body. I didn’t stop him. Instead I laid my head on his chest and bawled into his shirt. The moment Allie and Noah die, I feel Thomas curl up around my body and cry on my back. I feel his uneven breaths and his rapid heart beat. The end credits file down the screen and I shut down my laptop. Tears still falling down Thomas and I’s faces.

“I love that movie,” I whisper into Thomas’ chest as I lay my head back where it was before. I feel Thomas nod his head and stroke my hair. I close my eyes, cuddling up to Thomas’ warm body. He wraps his long, muscular arms around my body. I feel my consciousness leaving my body. Eventually I fall asleep.


“Travis, you are gonna wanna see this,” I hear. Maybe it was in my head, but it sounded like a bunch of boys. They sounded close. I heard a lot of whispers and smug comments. Then I felt my head rising and falling continuously.

“What the hell! Thomas! (Y/N)!” I hear a guy’s voice practically scream. It sounded like Travis. My eyes shot open and I sat up straight in my bed, realizing where I was and who I was with. I glance over at Thomas, who was still waking up.

“Thomas!” Travis screamed. Now Thomas’ eyes went wide as he too realized where we were and what had happened.

“Travis, it’s not what it looks like,” I try to explain.

“It looks like one of my best friends slept in your bed, with you!” Travis yells even louder, if that’s possible. I wince at the anger raging in his voice. I feel Thomas’ hand find it’s way to my thigh, calming me down a bit.

“Okay, yeah, but I really like him, Travis,” I explain.

“I think I might love her dude,” Thomas tells Travis, with pleading eyes. I turn to him, with tears in my eyes.

“Really?” I ask, tilting my head to the side.

“Yeah,” Thomas says simply. I quickly pecked his lips. They were warm and soft. I heard Travis scoff, then all the boys left the room. Finally! I then deepened the kiss and swung my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. Then I pull away and lean my forehead against his. I just stare into my eyes for a while and examine his gorgeous smile.

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ