The Interruption

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The Interruption

I slip the gun out of my bag and just hold it in my hand. I feel tears fall from my eyes. I don’t want to do this, but it just hurts too much. Ever since… Zac cheated on me. I can’t do it anymore. I just… I can’t.

I sit on the ground, in the middle of the woods, behind my house.

Why does this hurt so much? Why can’t I just move on? I’m only 17 and yet I can’t move on from the hurt. I guess it’s better this way. I put my finger on the trigger and begin to point. Before it’s fully pointing at me, I hear my phone ring. I jump a bit, luckily I didn’t shoot on accident, since it was pointed at my leg.

I set down the pistol and pick up my phone. I read the caller ID.


I pick up the phone.

“Hello?” I say. My voice shaking and cracking. My hands shake too. Tears fall from my eyes.

“(Y/N)? Where are you? I went to your house and I found… The note…” Thomas says, trailing off. Crap. Crap. Crap!

“Thomas I have to do it,” I say, feeling more tears fall. My eyes rain tears onto my cheeks.

“(Y/N), please. Where are you?” Thomas asks. I hear genuine concern and fright in his voice. I also hear his voice crack like mine did. I know Thomas cares about me, he’s my best friend.

“I’m in the woods, behind my house,” I say, giving up the argument. I hear Thomas sniffle, then I hear fuzz. I feel like I’m listening to static on a walkie talkie.

“I’m on my way, hold on,” I hear Thomas’ muffled voice say. I just nod, even though I know he can’t see me. I don’t hang up the phone and I know that Thomas didn’t either. I lean up against a tree and think about everything.

I could be dead.

Right now.

But Thomas saved me.

I’m pulled away from my thoughts when I hear the sound of leaves crunching and twigs snapping. I can still feel my entire body shaking involuntarily.

“(Y/N)?” I hear Thomas say, from behind a tree. His body becomes more visible as he stumbles closer to me. As I see his tear stained cheeks and watery eyes, I begin to break down myself.

“Thomas…” I can’t say anything else. His name sums it up. Thomas plops down next to me. He’s breathing heavily from sprinting out here, but he pulls me onto his lap anyway. His arms are sweaty and he has sweat dripping down the side of his face, but I don’t care. I let him hold because I don’t want to sit alone. I don’t want to be alone. I feel warm tears fall onto my neck and drip down my body. I don’t know whether they are mine or Thomas’. I don’t really care. We are both crying. I hear Thomas try to choke back his sobs as he gathers himself.

“(Y/N)... Why?” he asks. I collect myself too, then I look up at his bloodshot eyes. I can barely see the browns of them.

“Zac…” is all I said. I couldn’t finish. I just trailed off. I feel Thomas almost jerk forward, in anger. I look away then back at his eyes. Now they aren’t filled with sorrow, but anger. Fury.

“Why the hell would you want to kill yourself over… Scum?” Thomas practically yells at me. My eyes widen and I back off his lap at his sudden change in voice. I then see his anger boil down to an ashamed look. “I’m sorry. I… I didn’t mean it that way… It’s just that he’s an idiot for doing what he did to you. He doesn’t know how great you are,” Thomas tells me. He takes my hands in his. “He doesn’t know how emotional you get when you watch romance movies. He doesn’t know how cute you look when you smile and your nose crinkles up. He doesn’t know what it feels like when you cry on his shoulder. He just doesn’t know…” Thomas rants. He’s breathing heavy afterward, from not breathing in between his words. My eyes widen at his little speech.

“Thomas…” I say. Wow, I haven’t said anything more than names since Thomas got here. I scoot closer to him. His eyes don’t leave mine.

“(Y/N), I love you,” I hear Thomas say. I blink once. Twice. Is this real? I feel my hand find it’s way to his.

“I love you too,” I say. And then I smile. I haven’t smiled in months. Thomas smiles too.

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now