Watching Them Dance Part 2

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Watching Them Dance Part 2

Thomas Pov

I have to tell (Y/N) how I feel. This might be my only chance. She was really mad at me when I told her I wasn’t going to Homecoming. I quickly got dressed in my dad’s tuxedo and drove to our high school. I practically run into the gym, where the dance is going on. I immediately spot my friends, but I don’t see (Y/N). Brett sees me and smiles. Then I walk over to the group.

“Where is (Y/N)?” I ask. All their faces drop, except Brett’s. He looks me straight in the eye and tells me the cold, hard truth. Brett walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

“I’m sorry man, but she was so… sad, just sitting alone,” Brett started.

“I know. I was an idiot, but where is she now?” I ask, a little frustrated now. Brett doesn’t say anything. He just points over a couple dancing and laughing. I look closer and realize why he’s pointing at them.

The brunette in the gorgeous red dress with silver studded belt around the waist is (Y/N). She’s dancing with her ex-boyfriend, Kaden. My heart breaks a bit. I can practically hear it cracking inside me.

I’m too late.

That’s the only thought that ran through my head. Brett looked genuinely sorry, when I looked back at him.

“I’m sorry Thomas,” Brett said, then walked away. River came up to me and hugged me.

“(Y/N) is one of my best friends and I know when she’s sad. Tonight, I’ve never seen her more sad. Thomas, she was heart broken. (Y/N) really liked you and you let her down. I’m sorry if that’s not what you wanted to hear, but don’t blame Brett and I for this,” she said. I gave her a confused look.

“Why would I blame you?” I asked River. Her eyes widened.

“Umm… You know…” River trails off.

“River!” I say, kind of louder than I wanted to.

“Okay, Brett and I kind of got them back together,” she confesses. I feel anger bubble inside me.

“What?!” I almost yell. “Why? You know how much I like her!” I say.

“Thomas you were being a jerk and I couldn’t watch (Y/N) suffer any longer. The only person you have to blame is yourself for this,” River tells me. Then River just walked away.

I need to get (Y/N) away from him. I rushed over to (Y/N) and Kaden. I shoved Kaden away from (Y/N). He fell to the ground. I glanced over at (Y/N), she looked hurt.

“Thomas!” she shrieked, then she dropped to her knees next to Kaden. I stumbled back a bit. Then I turned and ran. Before I knew it I was outside of the school. I slowed a bit. Then I felt a hand grip my wrist and turn me around. It was (Y/N). She looked hurt, still.

“(Y/N), I’m so sorry,” I plead.

“Thomas, I like you and I wanted you to ask me to homecoming, but no you decide not to go at all!” (Y/N) sort of yells.

“(Y/N), I’m sorry. I… I,” I stutter.

“You what?” she yells. stepping closer to me. I feel her anger surging through her body. My heart takes over my body. I grab (Y/N) by her hips and pull her towards me. I smash my lips against her’s. I pull her closer and closer to my body until it’s physically impossible to get any closer. I needed her so bad. I couldn’t stop myself. I felt (Y/N) start to kiss back and her hands flew to my hair. She tangled her fingers in my messy blond mop. I move away for just a second and kiss up the side of her neck. Then I feel (Y/N) push away.

“Thomas,” she says breathily. “Lets just take this slow,” she said. I nod and take her hand, leading her back into the gym. We find our friends dancing on the dance floor. A slow song is playing so I put out my hand to (Y/N) and she accepts. I pull her into my body and she lays her arms on my shoulders. I wrap my arms around her waist. (Y/N) lays her forehead against mine and I stare into her perfect blue eyes.

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