Newt: The Nightmare

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Newt: The Nightmare

“Newt!” I scream, my voice cracking as the worry and fright takes over my body. I sprint as fast as I can to the doors as I see Minho and Thomas drag Newt through the corridor. They are so close, but yet so far. The doors are starting to close. Words keep running through my mind. What if he doesn’t make it? What if I never get to tell Newt how I feel about him? What if Newt, Minho, and Thomas, my 3 best friends all died today?

“Newt! Minho! Thomas! Run!” I just kept screaming. My voice is scratchy from screaming, but I keep doing it anyway. I keep running towards the door, not caring at all if I trap myself in the maze. Then all of a sudden the doors are closed and I can’t see any of my friends anymore. I collapse into the wall and bang my fist against the wall.

“Newt!” I scream one last time. Then my voice dies and I can’t yell anything. “I love you,” I whisper, unable to be any louder. Then I just keep mumbling his name over and over again, hoping he’ll come back to me, but also knowing that he won’t.

“(Y/N)! Wake up! (Y/N)! Please!” I hear a familiar British accent say, with worry flowing through his voice. Then I feel two, strong hands wrap around my arms and lift me up. My body is being shaken and I don’t know why.

“(Y/N), wake up!”

My eyes then shoot open. I see Newt staring at me with wide eyes and tears streaming down his face. I stare at him for about a second before throwing myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I feel tears fall from my eyes and land on Newt’s shoulder.

“It’s okay. It was just a dream,” Newt says, trying to comfort me by stroking my hair and rubbing circles on my back. I just keep crying. I can’t stop myself. It was too real.

When I finally stop my tears from falling, I pull away from Newt’s shoulder and stare into his eyes.

“Hey, you okay?” Newt asks. I just shrug, unable to say anything. “Do you want to talk about it, Love?” Newt asks.

“It was about you…” I trail off. Newt’s eyes flash a bit of sadness.

“Oh…” Newt says, simply. “W-what happened?” Newt stutters. I can hear the regret in his voice as he asks that question. He knows I’ve been having nightmares about the day he… Jumped ever since he woke from his coma.

“It was about… You know… That day…” I admit to Newt.

“Oh…” I hate these conversation with Newt. They are always so awkward. “Well, I better go back to my room. If you need anything else just…” I cut him off as Newt stands up from my bed and starts to make his way to my door.

“Can you stay?” I ask Newt. Newt turns towards me and I can almost make out a smile on his face.

“Umm… Sure…” Newt tells me. Then he slowly walks over to my bed. I scoot over and lift the covers for him to lay down with me. Newt lays down in my bed, beside me. His warm body touching my own. Newt just lays there awkwardly for a while until I turn my body so I’m facing him. Then I lay my arm around his torso. I look into Newt’s eyes and see surprise, but also happiness.

“Newt, can I tell you something?” I ask him, rubbing circles on his back.

“Yeah, of course,” Newt tells me.

“The reason I’ve been having so many nightmares about you is… I think I’m in love with you,” I confess. “And every dream I had was always about losing you before I could tell you this, so I had to tell you now,” I say, laying my head on his chest.

“(Y/N)... You won’t ever lose me because I love you too,” Newt tells me, snaking his arm around me. I feel his warm lips trail up and down my face.

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