Lets Take A Walk

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Lets Take A Walk

I feel a pair of muscular arms wrap around my waist and then I feel a pair of warm lips kiss my jawline.

“You wanna go for a walk?” Thomas whispers in my ear. I can feel his hot breath against the side of my face. I nod excitedly. Then I giggle as his hands trail up my sides, tickling me a little. Thomas grabs my hand, then spins me around, so I’m facing him. Thomas pulls me into a quick kiss. I then pull Thomas out the door, to go for a walk.

Thomas and I walk down the street of our quiet neighborhood. Thomas holds my hand the tight. I watch the sun begin to fall. The sun looks heavy in the sky. The colors of the sky memorize me.

Oranges, reds, pinks, and yellows. The sky changes to a rainbow of colors.

The night has came fast.

The night is cold.

It’s dark, cold, and the only reason I haven’t started to walk back is because I want to stay here, with Thomas.

I shiver from the cool, November breeze. It had been so warm earlier today. It dropped what seems like 50 degrees. I shudder and my teeth chatter. I’m only have a t-shirt and capris on.

“Love, are you cold?” Thomas asks. I nod slowly. Thomas looks me up and down. Then he pulls off his black trench coat. I wince as his hand untangles with mine. I feel Thomas lay his jacket on my shoulders. There is an instant warmth that comes over me.

“Thanks,” I whisper. I can see my breath in the air, in front of me. Thomas slings his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to his warm body.

“I love you, hun,” Thomas whispers into my ear and I feel his warm breath warming my ear.

“Love you too,” I tell Thomas. I can feel the warmth of Thomas’ body seeping into my own.

“Shall we turn back?” Thomas asks me. I nod and we turn around, starting to walk back home. “You look so beautiful in the moonlight,” Thomas whispers into my ear. I turn and kiss Thomas’ cheek, gently.

Thomas and I walk up the steps of our house. His arm is still holding me close to him. Thomas walks me into our little house. He turns me so that I was facing him. His hand glides across my cheek.

“Love, you are really cold!” Thomas said, like he was truly surprised. He was right, I was really cold. My teeth were still chattering and I was still shaking.

“I know,” I stuttered. I said it the best I could, with my teeth chattering like crazy. Thomas covered his hands in mine and brought them to his lips. He blew hot air on them then kissed them gently.

“C’mere,” Thomas said, pulling me into his warm embrace. The heat of his body transfers to mine. Then he leads me over to the couch and pulls me onto his lap. Thomas strokes my long hair, pulling it out of my ponytail. I feel warmth returning to my body. First to my fingertips, then the rest of my hand. Then my arms. My face begins to fill with warmth, followed by my legs.

“Love, are you warm now?” Thomas asks. I nod and then he kisses my forehead, reassuringly.

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now