Boy Next Door

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Boy Next Door

I heard the beep of the moving truck and instantly shot up in bed. My mom told me we were getting new neighbors and there are two kids my age, so I am really excited to meet them. Hurriedly, I change into a pair of black leggings, my Beatles shirt, and a grey cardigan. Then as I ran down the stairs, I put my hair into a messy bun.

“Morning Mom,” I say as I walk into the kitchen.

“Good morning, (Y/N). How did you sleep?” Mom asks.

“Good,” I reply as I grab an apple and head for the front door. I quickly slip on my black Vans and run outside. My bangs flop into my eyes as I stop at the moving truck next door. I watch multiple men carry boxes and furniture into the white house. As I make my way over to the house, I take a bite of my apple. My eyes dart in every direction looking for a new friend. I’ve never been the best at making friends. And whenever I do make friends, I can never keep them.

As I turn my head, I see a girl, maybe two or three years younger than me. I quickly finish my apple and throw it into a couple of bushes beside my house. Then I scurry over to the new girl. Her blond hair is curled and her eyes sparkle, even from afar. A smile creeps onto my face and I rush over to the new girl. She must see me out of the corner of her eye because she turns her head in my direction. A smile spreads across her face as she watches me approach.

“Hi, I’m (Y/N),” I say to the girl. The girl’s smile grows.

“Hey, (Y/N), I’m Ava,” Ava tells me in a cute British accent. Ava and I talk for a while then both our heads are turned when we hear a manly British accent.

“Ava! Mum wants you to come in and help unpack,” my eyes find a cute dirty blonde boy. My jaw almost drops as I examine the guy. He’s perfectly imperfect with his messy blonde hair and kind of skinny frame.

“Well, I better go- (Y/N), are you okay?” Ava asks, tilting her head to the left a bit. I whip my head back, to look at her. Then I quickly nod, trying not to show my feelings.

“Okay, well, I’ll see you later then,” Ava says, suspiciously as she walks away. Ava meets the guy at their front door, then they both walk in together. I rush over to my house and collapse on my bed thinking about this the boy next door.

I must have fallen asleep because I’m woken up by the continuous buzzing of my phone. I scramble trying to find it. Once I do I press answer and put it up to my ear.

“Hello?” I say, groggily.

“(Y/N)! It’s Ava. I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house for dinner tonight,” Ava asked. I can tell she’s smiling just from hearing her voice.

“Yeah. Sounds like fun. I’ll be there in 20,” I tell her. Then we say our goodbyes and hang up. I quickly try to clean myself up before going over there.  

After fixing myself up, I rush downstairs to find my mom cooking dinner.

“Mom, I’m gonna go over to the new neighbors house. There’s a girl over there about my age and she invited me over for dinner,” I explain to my mom. She nods and I hug her before leaving.

I knock on Ava’s front door, waiting impatiently. To my surprise Ava doesn’t open the door. Instead it’s the cute boy I saw earlier. I think he’s Ava brother. A smile creeps onto the guy’s face as I feel my cheeks get hotter. He sticks his hand out for me to shake, so I do.

“Hi, I’m Thomas,” he tells me whilst he grins like an idiot.

“I’m (Y/N),” I say nervously.

“Nice to meet you. Come in,” Thomas says, gesturing for me to come inside. I immediately see Ava stumble down the stairs.

“(Y/N)!” she creams and practically jumps into my arms. I hug back.

“Hey Ava,” I say chuckling. She pulls away from the hug and grab my wrist, pulling me into the dining room. Ava sits down and I sit across from her. Then I watch Thomas and who I think is their dad walk in.

“Hello, you must be (Y/N). I’m Mark and this is my son Thomas,” Mark tells me, gesturing to Thomas. I nod along. Then a woman walks in with food in her hands. “And that’s my wife, Tasha,” Mark finishes.

“Hi,” I say, shyly. Then all three of them sit down. Tasha next to Ava, Mark at the end, leaving Thomas to sit next to me. Everyone starts to eat their food. They all talk and I just kind of sit there, awkwardly saying nothing. Then the conversation turns to me.

“So, (Y/N), do you have a boyfriend?” Tasha asks. The table goes silent as my face reddens.

“Mum!” Ava shrieks.

“What? I’m just wondering because you know Thoma is single and you’re such a pretty girl,” Tasha exclaims.

“Mum!” Thomas shrieks. Thomas blushes a bit. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry,” he continues.

“It’s fine. Umm… But I am single actually,” I say, answering Tasha’s question. I see a small smile erupt on Thomas’ face and Tasha raises an eyebrow. Then Ava quickly changes the subject.

After dinner, I thank Tasha and Mark, then I start to walk out.

Thomas Pov

“Mum, I left something out side while I was unpacking. I’m gonna go get it,” I tell my mum before running outside.

“(Y/N)! Wait!” I yell, running up to her as she begins to walk back to her house. Her head whips around.

“Oh, umm… Hey Thomas. Do you need something?” she asks, shyly. I can faintly see a blush come over her face.

“Meet me out here at 11,” I say quickly. Then ran back inside, leaving her standing there in shock.

(Y/N) Pov

I rush back to my room. I quickly look through my closet for something cute to wear. I scavenged for the perfect thing to wear. Then I found it. The white cami dress my mom bought me for my birthday. Then I slipped on a pair of white Toms. I quickly put on some pink lip gloss and checked the time. I have one hour to do my hair. I decided to curl it and put it in a ponytail. After that I tiptoed downstairs. I could see Thomas standing outside my house. I quietly ran outside. The cool summer night breeze hit me like a slap to the face. I instantly felt goosebumps cover my body. Thomas’ eyes widened at the sight of me. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me down the street.

“Where are we going Thomas?” I asked. He turned around and kissed my cheek.

“It’s a surprise,” he tells me.

(A/N): Part 2 coming soon!!! Thanks for all the votes, comments, and reads!!! Just hit 160 thousand!! Yay!

Thanks a bunch!!

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