Valentines Day Surprise

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Valentines Day Surprise

The smell of bacon and pancakes fills my nose. I stir in bed and then my eyes flutter open. I see a note laying on the pillow next to me. I pick it up and read what it says.


Happy Valentines Day, Love! Follow the rose petals to find a surprise.

I love you so much!


I giggle and wrap a blanket around myself. Then I scurry out of the bedroom. I get another whiff of delicious food. I stop at the doorway of the room and see the trail of rose petals leading down the hall and down the stairs. I giggle again as I follow them. Every step I take is another petal and another moment I wonder what Thomas is up to.

I make it to the dining room, where the last petal lays and I see our dining room table full of food. There was bacon, sausage, fruit, pancakes. Any breakfast food you could think of was on this table. I lean over the table and get a good whiff of all the scents. Then I see Thomas walk in. He’s wearing a tuxedo and has a rose in his hand. He kind of spiked up the front of his hair. He only does that for special occasions. Thomas is smiling from ear to ear.

“Thomas…” I say, trailing off. I’m at a loss for words.

“Morning, Love, so I guess you found my note,” Thomas says, smiling madly. I love this man!

“Thomas…” I say again. I still don’t know what to say. What do you say when the man you love does something like this? Instead of saying something, I just rush over to Thomas. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him in my embrace. I kiss down his cheek and then on his lips.

“Happy Valentines Day to you too,” Thomas says, chuckling as I continue to kiss him all over his face. I pull away to look into his eyes.

“Thomas, I can’t believe you did this!” I say. I smile as his face lights up at my words. I look back at the table and gawk at it. “This is so amazing!” I say. I feel Thomas’ hand sit on the small of my back. I turn back to him, pecking his lips.

“Thomas, I love you,” I say.

“I love you too,” Thomas says. “Shall we eat?” he asks me. I nod furiously. We both sit and dig in.

“(Y/N),” Thomas says, after a while of eating. I glance up from my food and look at Thomas.

“Yeah?” I say in response.

“I have another surprise,” he announces, smiling like a little kid. I can’t help, but smile too. Thomas then grabs my hand and leads me upstairs.

“Get dressed into something nice,” Thomas says, pulling me into our walk in closet. Then he leaves.

I look through my clothes as I do, I glide my hand past each piece of clothing, feeling the different fabrics. After about 5 minutes of looking through clothes, I find a cute red dress, for Valentines Day. It’s a V-neck dress, that goes to my mid-thigh. It has a tight under layer and then a loose and flowy top layer. I also put on a silver heart necklace and diamond studs. Then I slipped on a pair of red wedges.

When I was done changing, I walked out, into our bedroom. I saw Thomas pacing the room. He looked kind of nervous, but then, when he saw me his jaw dropped and his eyes widened.

“You look… Stunning!” Thomas exclaims. I blush. Yes, I still blush when Thomas acts all cute. He links my arm with his own, then leads me out to his car.

“Close your eyes,” Thomas tells me.

“What?” I ask.

“Put your hands over your eyes. I want this to be a surprise,” Thomas said, laughing. I groan and put my hands over my eyes. I giggle a bit as I do so.

When I feel the car stop, I get anxious.

“Can I look now?” I ask.

“Just wait,” Thomas tells me. I hear the door open and then close. Then I hear my door open. And I feel a hand touch my arm. Thomas helps me out of the car whilst I cover my eyes with my hands. I kept giggling, uncontrollably.

“Thomas! Where are we?” I whine. “I want to know!” I say, as he leads me somewhere. Then we just stop.
“Okay… Now!” Thomas says. I drop my hands from my eyes and gasp.

“Thomas!” I exclaim. My breath is taken away as I see where Thomas took me.

“Do you like it?” Thomas asks.

“I love it!” I say as I walk towards our tree. I trace my fingers over our initials that Thomas carved into the large oak. “Thomas…”

I remember the day he did this like it was yesterday. Thomas had taken me hear in the 12th grade for our one year anniversary. It’s been three years since then. I turn around the hug Thomas, when I see him knelt down on one knee.

“(Y/F/N), when I first asked you out in the 11th grade, I knew that you were special. That night, after our first date, I stayed up all night just thinking about you. About how I knew that you were the one. So here it goes… Will you marry me, (Y/N)?” Thomas asks. I half gasp, half laugh. I pull Thomas up off the ground and hug him. Then I pull nim into a long, passionate kiss.

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now