Grand Canyon

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Grand Canyon

“Thomas, lets go! We are going to miss it!” I yell.

“I’m coming,” Thomas whines. I grab his hand and begin to pull him in the direction we have planned out. We run to as fast as we can. The sun would be setting any moment now, so we ran for dear life. A smile creeps onto my face as I realize my childhood dream is gonna come true. Thomas and I finally make it to the spot we picked out.

I slowly walked hand in hand with Thomas to the edge of the Grand Canyon. Here, at this spot, there isn’t a tourist to be found. I love it when that happens.

The sun was drooping and ready to set. The colors of the was changing from baby blue to a mix of reds, pinks, yellows, and oranges.

Thomas and I sit on the edge, with our legs hanging over the side of the cliff. I feel invisible. Thomas squeezes my hand and I squeeze it back.

“Ready?” Thomas asks.

“Ready,” I reply. We just wait as the sun gets heavier in the sky. I stick my head over my legs and glance down. It’s at least a 200 foot drop.

It’s the weirdest feeling ever sitting here, with Thomas. I feel amazing. I can’t even explain how I feel. I feel true to myself. True to who I am. I feel… Me!

I glance over at Thomas, who must have been staring at me, because he starts to blush when I see him looking at me. I giggle at his cool, awkwardness.

The sun begins to set and the colors collide. I lay my head on Thomas’ shoulder and inhale. It’s the scent of nature and fresh air, which I don’t get a lot of in London. My eyes feel heavy, but I force myself to keep them open. I glance down, over my legs, again. The wind hits the wall and comes up the side of the cliff. Then the wind zooms up and blows in our faces. The winds hit me like a slap to the face, but I like the feeling. I glance back over to Thomas. His hair is flying up from the wind and I giggle at it.

Thomas and I sat, silently, at the edge while the sun set, slowly.

I feel so free. I feel so small. Like a speck in this universal world, but at the same time I feel like this huge being. It’s so hard to describe the feeling I’m feeling right now. Being here, with Thomas, has changed my life. My dream has come true. I’ve always wanted to do this and I have.

I can’t hide the smile that is painted on my face. I lay my head back down on Thomas’ shoulder.

“I love you,” I whisper in his ear.

“I love you too,” Thomas tells me. Then I feel his strong arm wrap around my shoulders, holding me close to him. I feel his lips gently touch the top of my head. My smile grows.

“It’s so beautiful,” I say after a long silence of just staring at the breath taking water color sky.

“I’ve seen something even more beautiful,” Thomas tells me. I can feel him smiling. I lift my head off his shoulder and tilt it in front of him.

“Really? Now what could that be?” I ask, sarcastically. I know he’s talking about me.

“You, of course,” Thomas states. I chuckle. He does too. “No, but seriously. You are way more beautiful,” Thomas says, seriously. My smile creeps back onto my face. I love when he says stuff like that.

Thomas and I sit there until the sky turns black. Then Thomas turns towards me and I turn towards him. He runs his fingers down my jawline. I close my eyes at the touch of his comforting hands. Then he pulls my face into his. Our lips connect and I feel like I’m watching the sunset all over again. The wind blasting my face. The colors. Then the sudden darkness as we pull away. I smile in the and I can faintly tell he’s smiling too, from the moonlight.

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now