Motor Bike

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Motor Bike

I’m taking a long, relaxing walk down my street in Louisiana. I feel my muscles loosening after each step I take. I have been so stressed lately with college and work. I think I might explode.

I check my watch after about an hour. Or what I thought was hour. It was actually an hour and a half. Shoot! I’m supposed to go over to my friend, Alison’s, house. I’m supposed to be there in 10 minutes. I turn around immediately and start sprinting home.

I start to feel pain in my legs. I slow a bit, then go back to my normal speed. I can almost see my house from here. I run across the road, without looking for cars. Then out of no where a motor bike comes zooming towards me. Luckily I dive into the grass before it hits me. The bike screeches to a stop and the guy riding it jumps off. He starts scurrying over to me, as I lay staring at the sky, in the grass. I try to catch my breath as I just lay there, in shock. The guy comes over to me and kneels down beside my head. I just stare into the blazing sun, until my eyes begin to hurt and I have to look away. The stranger grips the sides of his helmet and lifts it urgently off his head. My eyes widen as I see the young man’s appearance.

“Are you alright? I’m so so so sorry,” the man said to me. I nod and use this opportunity to examine all his features. He has short of shaggy dirty blonde hair, that swished to the side in the most perfect way. His face was thin. Oh and his eyes. His eyes mesmerized me. They were gorgeous brown orbs that glistened in the sunlight. I started to sit up, looking away from the handsome stranger. When I was fully sat up, the guy smiled at me. His smile enchanted me. It makes me feel giddy inside. I can’t help, but smirk back at him. He puts his hand out for me to take and so I do. The handsome guy helps me to my feet. I have trouble balancing, so the man holds me shoulders to keep me standing.

“I’m Thomas,” the handsome man told me. I notice that this guy has a thick british accent. It’s very attractive. Then after I got my balance, he stuck his hand out for me to shake. I did.

“(Y/N)” I tell Thomas. He smiles widely.

“What?” I ask.

“Nothing,” he says. I give him a confused look. “I just think your name is very beautiful,” he blurts. I feel my cheeks warm up and go red. I just stare at him then and he stares back. Not like an awkward ’look away first you creep’, but the kind of stare where you can’t look away because you are too mesmerized. Thomas starts to blush after a while, then he looks down at his shoes.

“Umm… I’m really sorry, (Y/N),” Thomas says, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

“It’s fine. It was partly my fault for not looking,” I confess. I would confess to anything for this guy. His smirk returned. I smiled back, because who wouldn’t smile back at him.

“Did you need a ride?” Thomas asks me.

“Umm…” I say, but am interrupted by Thomas.

“Cause if you don’t have anywhere to be, I could give you a ride. And we could hang out,” Thomas asks. I can hear the nervousness in his voice as he talks. I look at my watch and realize I’m supposed to be at Alison’s house right now. Well I’m already late.

“One sec,” I tell Thomas as I pull out my phone to text Alison.

Sorry can’t make it. Long story, but let’s just say it involves a handsome guy.


“Yeah, I can come,” I tell Thomas and jog over to his bike. Thomas gestures for me to climb on first, so I do. Thomas hops on after me, slipping on his helmet and handing me his extra. I put it on. I wrap my arms around Thomas’ waist, then lean over to his ear.

“Is this okay,” I ask.

“It’s perfect,” he replies in his thick accent.

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now