Grandpa Dies

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Grandpa Dies

I’m driving home from the store. I had to get food for dinner, since my bestfriend, Thomas was coming over. I turned on my road, I can almost see my driveway. I heard my ring tone coming from the center console. I picked up my phone and checked the caller ID, it was Mom. I answered the phone, whilst driving.

“Hey Mom!” I say into the phone.

“(Y/N),” Mom says in the most sad voice I’ve ever heard from her. I can hear that just saying my name is painful. I hear her take a deep breath.

“Mom, what’s going on? You are scaring me,” I tell her.

“Baby, where are you?” Mom asks me.

“I’m driving in my car. Why?” I ask. This is making me nervous. I palms begin to sweat.

“(Y/N), pull over,” Mom instructs. I do as she says. “Did you pull over?” Mom asks after a long silence.

“Yeah, now what’s going on?” I ask. There’s another long pause.

“Honey, Grandpa died last night,” I hear my mother’s heart break at the mere words. I feel her tears through the phone. I can’t react. There’s a numbness flowing through my body. My phone drops out of my hand. I feel tears forming in my eyes. Then I hear the faint sound of my Mom talking into the phone, that now lays on the floor of my car. I feel flustered and I can’t think things through. It doesn’t feel real. It feels like a dream. I curl up into a ball in the front seat of my car and cry. I just let every tear escape my eyes. After a while all the crying leaves me with no energy. I feel weak, like I had just run for hours. Like a ran twenty marathons without stopping. My lungs hurt from my loud sobs and my eyes feel dry. I close them to try and conserve the moisture. Before I know it I’m asleep.


Thomas Pov

I’m on my way to (Y/N)’s house for dinner when I get a call from an unknown number.

“Hello?” I say into my phone.

“Hello? Is this Thomas Sangster?” the voice asks. It’s a woman’s voice and it sounds kind of sad.

“Yes. Who is this?” I asked.

“This is (Y/N)’s Mom. We met about a year ago at her birthday party,” the woman explains. I remember her. She looked like an older version of (Y/N), with black hair instead of brown.

“Oh, yeah, of course. How can I help you?” I ask. I’m still confused why she called me.

“Thomas, (Y/N)’s Grandfather died last night. I just called her and told her, but when I did she didn’t respond. I was wondering if you could check up on her, since we live a couple hours away,” (Y/N)’s Mom, Molly, explains.

“I’m sorry to hear that, Mrs. (Y/L/N). And I was just heading over there. I’ll call you when I get there,” I tell Molly.

“Thank you, Thomas,” Molly says, then hangs up.

After that I drive with a little more urgency. I go a bit over the speed limit, but it’s for a good reason. I only hope she’s okay. I know what happens when love hurts a person. Things turn bad. Really fast.

I turn down (Y/N)’s road. I see her car parked on the side of the road about three blocks away from her house. Why did she stop there? I drive slowly past her car and see her curled up in a ball in the front seat. I park my car in front of her’s then get out. I walk up to her car and open her door. I pick (Y/N) up, out of her car and carry her to my car. I lay (Y/N) down in the passenger seat and then get back in my car. She stays sleeping until we turn into her driveway. When I turn her head falls a bit and hits the window.

“Ow,” I hear her whisper under her breath. I glance over at (Y/N). Her eyes go wide, with confusion.

“Your mom called me and told em what happened,” I tell her. As I park my car in (Y/N) driveway, her eyes fill with tears and she sobs into her hands. I pull her from the passenger seat, across the console and into my lap.


(A/N): There will be a part 2 just so everyone knows! Thanks for all the reads, comments, and votes. I really appreciate it. Feel free to request. Just leave a comment about what you would like to request!

Thanks a bunch!

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