Our Child Part 2

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Our Child Part 2

“Momma, why are you and Daddy yelling?” I hear my son ask, tugging on my pants. I wipe away any extra tears left from Thomas and I’s fight.

“Oh, Wes, you don’t need to worry about that?” I say, picking him up. I carry Wes back to his room.

“Where did Daddy go?” Wes asks as I lay him back down in his bed.

“Daddy just went for a quick walk. He’ll be home soon. Now go to bed, Wes,” mI say, tucking Wes in. Thankfully, Wes closes his eyes. I kiss his forehead and walk out. I slowly close the door and watch him breath for just a moment. The only silence I’ve had all night.


I feel tears on the urge of falling free as Thomas and I yell back and forth. Wes has been asleep for about an hour and ever since he fell asleep Thomas and I have been arguing. It’s become part of our routine. Put Wes to bed, then Thomas and I fight. The yelling never seems to stop.

This is why I didn’t want to come back. It was working okay before Thomas had to chase after me. I was somewhat fine. Better than I am now.

“Thomas! This is why I didn’t want to get back together! I didn’t want to hurt anymore!” I yell. I have had enough. I turn around and run into the bathroom.

I sit on the edge of the bathtub and slump over my knees. Slowly, tears build in my eyes. After a while they all start to fall. Many drop onto my legs, but others fall to the floor.

A minute or two passes before I hear a knock on the door.

“(Y/N)?” I hear Thomas say on the other side of the door. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for us to go back to what we were. I wanted a fresh start. I wanted what we had before. I’m so sorry, love. You can leave if you want to. Whatever makes you happy,” Thomas blabs. I wipe away a couple of tears building up in my eyes. “I know you probably want to leave, but I really wish you wouldn't. I love you so much and I want to work this out. This is only a bump in the road. And we’re not even close to finishing the journey,” Thomas says. I giggle at how cheesy that line was. Then I rise from the edge of the tub. I open the door and Thomas stumbles in. He must have been leaning on the door. I grab Thomas by his forearms, trying to steady him.

“Careful, big boy,” I say. Thomas lifts his head and looked me in the eyes.

“Do you forgive me?” Thomas asks.

“I forgive you, but Thomas I don’t know if this is working,” I say, taking both of Thomas’ hands in my own. Thomas’ face falls.

“I was afraid you might say that,” Thomas tells me. Then he lifts his head, kissing my cheek. “Whatever you want. It’s up to you,”


The next morning, as soon as Wes wakes up, I put him in the car. I have already packed all Wes and I’s stuff in the car. I put Wes into his carseat. I feel a lump form in my throat as I turn around, ready to get into the drivers seat.

“Momma, where are we going?” Wes asks. I turn back around, tears forming in my eyes.

“We are going home,” I say, my voice cracking at the words.

“I thought this was our home,” Wes says. I feel my heart break and I can practically hear it too.

“Wes… I…” I begin, but can’t find the words.

“Wait! (Y/N)!” I hear Thomas yell as he runs out of the house. I give Thomas a worried look before walking over to him.

“Thomas, I told you I thought it would be better if Wes and I left,” I tell him.

“I know, but I can’t just avoid the voice in my head telling me to try and win you back,” Thomas whimpers.

“I’m sorry Thomas,” I say as I begin to back away. I feel tears fall from my eyes. “Goodbye,” I whisper, barely audible for him to hear. Slowly, I get into the drivers seat of my car. My gaze never leaves his.

I watch Thomas drop to his knees as Wes and I drive away, for good.


12 Years Later

“Mom, why can’t I meet my dad?!” Wes yells at me on his 16 birthday. I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I let my head fall.

“Wes, I’m so sorry…” I stutter.

“Why won’t you let me see him?!” Wes yells again.

“It’s too hard,” I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut. Wes takes my hands in his. I feel a wave of calm come across my body and I open my eyes to see Wes kneeling in front of me.

“Mom, what happened between you and Dad,” Wes asks. I have been dreading that question for 12 years, but I guess now is as good a time as ever.

“When you were 4 I took you away. Your father and I just fought too much. And I knew it was only gonna get harder, especially for you. I just couldn't take it anymore, so your dad said I could leave if I wanted to. And that’s what I did,” I explain to Wes.

“Momma, I wanna see my Dad,” Wes tells me. I take in a shaky breath, then I nod slowly.


“Ready Mom?” Wes asks as he climbs into the drivers seat of the car. I just nod, faking a smile. Wes had convinced me to go see Thomas.

Thomas has been sending letters for the past 12 years, so I know he hasn’t moved since I was last at his house.

Wes pulls into Thomas’ driveway. As I see the house I remember that morning and I feel a pain sink into my stomach. Then I feel Wes’ hand lay on top of mine.

“Mom, it’ll be okay,” Wes convinces me.

Wes and I walk up to the front door and he knocks. A man who looks a lot like Thomas, except this man has scruff, like he hasn’t shaved in days and he looks as if he hasn’t gotten a haircut in years. The man walks up to the door and opens it. His jaw practically drops to the floor. His eyes focus on me and don’t leave my gaze.

“(Y/N)?” he asks in the same accent Thomas has.

“Hi, Thomas,” I respond. Then I see something that surprises me more than anything else ever has. Thomas drops to his knees like he did the day Wes and I left. Thomas takes my hands in his and squeezes them gently. He stares up at me, his eyes full of love and sadness.

“(Y/N), please take me back. I’ve never stopped loving you. I need you,” Thomas begs. At that moment I feel the happiness of our relationship crawl back. All I can think about is the day Wes was born. Thomas had sat with me in the hospital bed as I held Wes in my arms.

That’s when I realize I still love him too. I kneel down in front of Thomas and kiss him. I missed his lips so much. I missed Thomas. I pull away from the kiss and stare into Thomas’ eyes.

“I’m so sorry for leaving. For giving up on you,” I whimper.

“Shhh… That’s the past, Love,” Thomas tells me. I hug Thomas. Then I feel another pair of muscular arms wrap around Thomas and I. I glance up to see Wes kneeling next to Thomas and I. Wes is holding us both, his head laying on Thomas’ shoulder. Thomas looks up too and then he smiles at me. Then Thomas mouths the words ‘I love you’. I mouth them back before laying my head on his chest.

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