Birthday Surprise

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Birthday Surprise

I walk into school with a huge smile on my face. Nothing can ruin today. Today will be great no matter what happens. My fingers automatically turn the dial on my locker, putting in my combination. 43 right, 12 left, 0 right. I pop my locker open and watch as a note floats out of it. I pick it up and unfold it, curiously.

'Dear Birthday Girl,

Happy Birthday to the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Today is your day. Make it great!'

I refold the message and stick it in my pocket, closing my locker. I quickly walk over to my friends to show them the note.

My best friend runs up to me and wraps her arms around me, giving me a huge hug. Not long after the rest of my friends follow.

I quickly pull out the note and pass it around in my circle of friends. They all start geeking out over how cute it is and I can't help but join them.

When I walk into my 1st hour class, a message is written on the whiteboard.

'Dear Birthday Girl,

I hope you found my note and I hope you liked it.You are so strong and so powerful. You aren't afraid to speak your mind and be yourself. That takes so much courage. More courage than any other person I've ever met.''

I almost break down when I see this one. Man, this guy is good.

When I walk onto my 2nd hour class I'm almost disappointed that I don't find a message.

Then half way through note taking, on the powerpoint is a slide that reads...

'Dear Birthday Girl,

Never stop smiling that beautiful smile of your's. And never let anyone tell you that you aren't amazing. You are so smart and I know you can change the world.'

My heart almost skipped a beat when I read the first three words. I had to bite my lip to keep from squealing.

3rd hour I entered my class and on every empty space on the walls, desks, and the ceiling were copies of the same note, over and over.

'Dear Birthday Girl,

Your kindness is so immense and so tremendous that I can't even try to comprehend it.'

My breath catches in my throat. Who is this person? Who could have actually gone through all this work. Writing all these notes. Placing them in all the right classes. All the right spots. My mind doesn't stop wondering about this mysterious writer all through class.

During 4th hour I found another note... In my backpack. Wow, this guy is good. I quickly read over it before the bell rings starting the class.

'Dear Birthday Girl,

Meet me for lunch in the front of the school. I'll be the guy with a dozen roses.'

My heart almost explodes right then and there. That's all I can think about the rest of class. I list all the guys that might possibly do this for me, but it's kinda hard to do that when you know most guys wouldn't think to be this sweet.

The second my class ends, I run out to the front of the school and see a dozen roses in his hands.


I run over to Thomas, wrapping my arms around his neck and squeezing so hard I thought I might choke him. I plant a kiss on his cheek as tears fall from my eyes.

"Thank you so much, Thomas!" I say, feeling all the emotions I've felt all day lay themselves out for Thomas. "Everything you did... It's... It's indescribable." my voice goes quiet as Thomas begins to speak.

"Dear Birthday Girl,

Your beauty brightens my day.

Your courage stands out in a crowd.

Your brains can out think any scientist or any mathematician.

And your kindness is contagious.

You are amazing, never let anyone tell you otherwise." Thomas resites. I almost break down, but instead I fall back into his arms and he holds me, in his strong arms.   

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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