I Can't Believe It Part 2

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I Can't Believe It Part 2

It’s been 4 months since I told Thomas that I was pregnant. We have been planning big time. Thomas and I even started fixing up the guest room, for the baby.

Today, I have an appointment with my doctor. Thomas had to work, so I went by myself. I waited in the waiting room for about 20 minutes before the nurse comes into the waiting room.

“Mrs. Sangster?” she said, opening the door, for me to walk through. I did. The nurse lead me to a room and told me to sit on the bed. Again, I did what she asked. I laid back as she asked me a couple of questions like ‘How have you been feeling?’ ‘How’s your morning sickness?’ and ‘Have you been eating right?’. I answered all the questions with no emotion. Then the nurse leaves, telling me the doctor Emily will meet with me soon. I sit, uncomfortably, on the bed, waiting, impatiently, for the doctor.

I hear a knock, then the door creaks open a tad. A head peeks in.

“May I come in, Mrs. Sangster?” the doctor asks. I nod and she enters. Doctor Emily sits in front of me, at her desk.

“How have you been doing, Mrs. Sangster?” doctor Emily asked.

“I’ve been fine,” I say, a little rudely. I’ve actually have been very irritable.

“Do I detect a bit of discomfort?” Emily laughs.

“Yeah, you can say that,” I say, laughing a little bit too. Emily starts prepping me for the ultrasound. Once she starts the whole thing, I hear a heartbeat. Then I start to hear mine heartbeat too. I glance over at Emily, her eyes are wide and a smile comes across her face.

“What?” I ask, wondering what she looks so excited about.

“Do you hear that?” she asks.

“You mean the mine and baby’s heartbeat?” I say, tilting my head a bit.

“It’s not your heartbeat,” Emily giggling.

“What does that mean?” I ask, still very, very confused.

After Emily told me the news, I freaked. I can’t believe it. I’m so excited to tell Thomas. I wait, impatiently, for the second time today, for Thomas. As I sit on the couch, waiting for my husband, I fall asleep.

I hear our front door open, then close.

“Love, I’m home!” I hear Thomas yell from the front door. My eyes flutter open as I see Thomas walk into the living room. He sat on the edge of the couch, as I sat up. Thomas helps me sit up, by putting his hand on my back and pushing me forward.

“How was the appointment?” Thomas asked. A smile paints itself on my face. “What? What happened?” he asked, laughing a little bit.

“I have some… News…” I begin. Thomas nods and I continue. “We’re having twins!” I tell Thomas. Immediately Thomas wraps his long, muscular arms around my waist and I wrap my own arms around his neck. I can just feel Thomas’ happiness in the air. Thomas pulls away from me and kisses my forehead. Then he leans down and kisses my belly, where our babies are growing.

“Oh my god! (Y/N)! This is amazing!” Thomas practically yells, throwing his hands in the air. “Do you know the genders?” Thomas asked. I smile.

“Yup. One girl and one boy!” I tell Thomas. He smiles then he continues. “So we each get to name a baby,” Thomas said. I nod. Thomas and I had made a deal where I got to name the baby if the baby was a boy and he got to name the baby if the baby was a girl.

“So, Easton and Evelyn, I’m your Daddy and I’m gonna love you two like crazy.” Thomas says to my belly. His hand is rubbing circles on my stomach and then he kisses my belly again.

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