The Airport

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The Airport

I walk away from my the cab that dropped me off at the airport. Pulling my luggage behind me as I walked through the automatic sliding doors. I can feel myself on the verge of tears. I hate leaving Thomas, but I have to. He isn’t the same man I fell in love with a years ago.

“Ticket please,” the woman at the counter says, holding out her hand. I place my ticket in her hand and she examines it. Then she gestures for me to keep walking. At that moment I think of Thomas. I turn my head and mouth the words good bye. Then I feel a tear escape my eye. No. Not here. Not now. This is my decision. I have to go through with it. I turn my head back around and begin to walk to my plane. As if on cue, I hear a voice yell my name.

“(Y/N)!” I hear it. It sounds like… “(Y/N)! Wait!” I turn and see Thomas. He sprinting towards me, dodging the crowd of people, who are standing on his way. I can see the worry and concern on his face. He holds a note in his left hand. No. Not any note. The note I left him, saying I was leaving.

“Thomas?” I said, as he got closer and closer to me.

“Sir! Sir, excuse me, but you can’t be back here!” the woman at the counter tells Thomas.

“It’s okay, he’s with me,” I say. The woman shakes her head, angrily.

“No, he can’t be here!” she yells again. In the distance I see a couple security guards run towards Thomas.

“Fine,” I say. “Thomas, I’m going,” I tell Thomas and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to say to anyone, ever.

“(Y/N), wait. You can’t go. I love you!” Thomas says. Security is catching up to Thomas, but he gets to me first. Thomas put his hands on the sides of my face and holds me there, just staring into my eyes. I can’t help, but stare back into his eyes. His perfect brown eyes. The same brown eyes I fell in love with a year ago.

“Thomas…” I say, but Thomas cuts me off. I didn’t know what I was going to say anyway, so it’s good that he interrupted me.

“No! I’m not letting you go so easily. You can’t just leave a note saying you are leaving. That’s not how this works!” Thomas yells. I can see tears building up a wall over his eyes. Then my vision goes blurry too. Wet tears stain my face. “I’m not letting you leave!” Thomas yells, then he slams his lips against mine.

I can feel all eyes staring daggers at us, but right now, right here, I don’t care at all. I only care about us. Him.

I feel Thomas being pulled away, even though his hands are still connected with my face and his lips are still connected to my lips.

“Thomas!” I scream. The security guards pull him away from me. At that moment I have an important decision to make. Do I take this opportunity to leave. Leave Thomas. Leave London. Go home to my family. Or is this what I wanted. Is this the man that I fell in love with. Have I found him once again. Has Thomas come here to show me that he’s the man he used to be.

“Wait! Thomas!” I say, running to him. I try to pull the guard’s hand off Thomas’ arm, but his grip is tight. The guard pushes me away. Thomas shoves the security guard.

“Don’t touch her,” Thomas yells as he turned the guy around and punches him across the face.

“Thomas!” I gasp. My hand flies to my mouth and my eyes widen, dramatically. I see a couple more security guards run over to Thomas and restrain him. Oh no! This is all my fault.


“(Y/F/N),” I hear a man’s voice say. I have been waiting for Thomas to be released from the airport jail for about an hour now. I stand when I hear my name.

“Yes?” I say.

“Mr. Sangster will be released, but he is being charged for his actions,” the man told me. He looks like a policeman. He has a badge pinned to his shirt.

I nod along as he tells me the details. Then I sit back down as he leaves to go get Thomas.

He walks out holding Thomas by his bicep. As Thomas’ eyes meet mine, his face lightens immensely. The man lets go of Thomas’ arm and walks away. I run over to him and he holds me close to his body. His arms are kind of cold, but I don’t mind.

“Thomas, I’m so…” I begin, but Thomas cuts me off.

“Don’t even say it, Love, it’s my fault,” Thomas tells me. I just smile and snuggle up into his chest.

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now