Are You Thinking Of Me?

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Are You Thinking Of Me?

Thomas and I broke up about a month ago. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I miss him more than any other boyfriend I’ve ever broke up with, but it had to happen. Thomas was never around anymore. He was always working or interviewing or traveling. His job never ends. I guess that’s when it hit me, I hadn’t seen him for almost half a year. I had been alone for almost half a year. I missed him so much, but it hurts less to be apart and broken up than apart and together.

I missed him a lot. I hear myself saying that in my head over and over and over again. He always seems to be on my mind. Everything I see reminds me of him.

I wonder if he thinks of me too.

Thomas Pov

I can’t stop myself from crying when I hear her name. (Y/N). I miss her like hell. God, I miss her. I need her. She was the only thing that kept me going when I was away. I know it was a dumb move to let her leave, but if it makes her happy then so be it.

I often catch myself playing scenes through my head of how (Y/N) and I reunite. Sometimes I’ll just close my eyes and she’ll pop into my head. She’ll run up to me and jump into my arms. I’ll spin her around and hold her as close to my body as possible. I would look into her gorgeous grey eyes that remind me of a thunderstorms and rain clouds. Then I lean into her warm, soft lips and kiss her until we can’t breath. I’ve pictured us lying in the grass in the middle of nowhere staring at the sky. Or slow dancing to her favorite song.

I know that kind of stuff doesn’t happen in real life. The love of your life doesn’t come back after they leave you, but a guy can dream.

The one thing I truly need to find out though is, does she still think of me?

(Y/N) Pov

I need to know if he still thinks about me as much as I think about him. If he does, well than maybe there’s something that can grow.

I dial his number at least a dozen times. Then delete it. Finally I call him. I heard 3 rings then he picked up.

“(Y/N)?” a familiar british voice said over the phone. I could almost hear his voice crack as he said my name. Maybe that meant something. Maybe it meant he could still love me. Maybe it meant I could go home to him again.

“Thomas!” I say into the phone.

“Love…” Thomas trails off. “I mean (Y/N), I miss you, so much. You don’t even know,” Thomas explains. I smile widely as tears fill my eyes. I have never been so happy to hear his voice.

“I miss you too, babe,” I say back.

“Have you been thinking about me?” Thomas asks. I feel a lump in my throat as I start to talk.

“Every minute of everyday,” I tell him. “How ‘bout you?” I ask.

“Never stopped thinking about you,” Thomas tells me. I feel myself break down now. The tears come faster and more consistent.

“Love, don’t cry, I’ll be over in 5,” Thomas says. Then the line dies.

Thomas Pov

I jump onto my motorcycle and ride like the wind. I need to get to her as fast as I can. I make it to her apartment she’s been staying at since she moved out. I hop off my bike, then practically sprint for my life up to the 3rd floor. The only thing going through my mind is her. (Y/N). I get to her door and don’t even bother to knock. I fling open the door. (Y/N) stands there, tears overwhelming her eyes. I run up to her and hold her close to me. I kiss the top of her head. Then she looks up at me. I wipe away a couple of stray tears from her tear stained face. Then I pull her face up to mine and kiss her passionately.

“I love you,” I tell her as we part.

“I love you too,” she replies.

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