Newt: On Your Period In The Glade

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Newt: On Your Period In The Glade

“Ahh!” I groan as I turn over in my bed. I hold my stomach, in pain. I literally hate this. Being the only girl in the glade has it’s perks, but this isn’t one of them. The guys just don’t get it when I tell them I’m on my period. I feel a pounding in my skull and needles in my stomach. Then I hear Newt.

“(Y/N)! Get up, time for work!” I hear Newt yell from downstairs in the homestead. Since I’m the only girl, I get my own room, which is one of the perks. I roll over in my bed as I groan in pain. I hear a knock on the door. I groan again. The door slowly creak open. I see Newt pop his head in.

“Love, are you okay?” my boyfriend asks. I feel anger rising inside of me. My blood practically starts to boil. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s just that I’m in so much pain and he isn’t.

“Are you shucking kidding me?!” I scream. I see a hurt look replace Newt’s concerned face. “I’m sorry Newt,” I begin. Newt looks down at his feet and starts fidgeting with his hands. “It’s just I feel like klunk and I pretty much just want to crawl in a corner and die,” I tell him, forcing a smile. He smiles at me too.

“Why?” he asks, walking over to me, in bed. He sits on the edge of the bed, keeping his distance. Newt’s fingers climb up and down my arm.

“I’m on my period,” I say. Newt tilts his head to the left and I try to find the words to explain. “You know what, nevermind. Lets just go to work,” I say. Newt just nods and helps me out of bed. He practically carries me to go get breakfast.

I sit at one of the tables and Newt sits right next to me, a little too close. I need my space today, so I scoot away a bit. I glance over at Newt’s face and he looks hurt. I just blow it off.

I finish eating before Newt, so I just walk away, even though I know he wanted me to wait. I decide to walk into the deadheads. I just need a break. I start to walk away from the rest of the gladers when I hear leaves rustling behind me. Slowly, I turn to see Thomas and Newt running towards me. I wince as Newt grabs me by the waist, lifting me in the air. The he gently lays me on the ground. The two of them start to tickle me. I laugh even though I feel like punching them both. So that’s what I do. My eyes shut as I start to throw punches. I feel my fist connect with someone’s face. I slowly open my eyes and see Newt holding his nose. Blood drips down his face. I try to feel guilty, but I can’t help it.

“Newt…” I trail off and jump to my feet. Then I run for my life into the deadheads.

I slide down the trunk of a tree and pull my knees to my face. I cry into them. Shucking hormones.

“(Y/N)?” I hear a voice. I look up, with tear filled eyes. I see a blurry version of Newt.

“Newt! I’m so sorry,” I say, the tears streaming down my face now.

“(Y/N), why are you acting so… Strange?” Newt asks. I feel anger bubbling inside me.

“I shucking told you, slinthead!” I yell. Newt winces at my sudden change in emotion. “I’m on my period! Do you know what that means?!” I scream. I see Newt shake his head ever so slightly. “It means blood is literally coming out of me right this second!” I yell at Newt. His eyes widen. He stutters a bit.

“What?” he asks. I tell him everything I know about my time of the month. When I was done telling him about it, his mouth hung open.

“Oh,” is all he said. I laughed at him and then I lightly punched his shoulder.

(A/N): Okay so this was a request from @webkinzbunny. So thanks so much for the request. I hope everyone liked it. Thanks for all the reads, votes, and comments. I appreciate it all.

Thanks a bunch!

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