Grandpa Dies Part 2

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Grandpa Dies Part 2

(Y/N) Pov

Thomas must have saw me in my car, asleep. Then he must have taken me into his car and drove me home. I woke up after hitting my head on the window of the car door. Before I knew it Thomas pulled me onto his lap. For some reason I like it. I like it more than I should. I snuggle up into Thomas’ chest. He rubs circles on my back and holds me close.

“How do you feel?” Thomas whispers into my hair covered ear.

“Horrible,” I admit to Thomas. I feel more tears forming in my eyes as he takes my hand in his.

“I know how you feel,” Thomas tells me. I lift my head off his chest and look him in the eyes.

“What do you mean?” I asked. What does he mean? He’s hasn’t lost any of his close family members.

“I mean, I know how love can hurt,” Thomas told me. He laid his head in the crook of my neck.

“Who has hurt you?” I ask, pulling away so I can see his face. Thomas’ cheeks are a light shade of pink. Thomas just shrugs slightly.

“You know just… Um… Like…” Thomas stutters. What is Thomas talking about?

“Thomas what’s going on?” I ask, furrowing my brow. Thomas looks down.

“I’m in love with this girl…” Thomas begins. I lift Thomas’ chin so he’s looking at me.

“Who!” I ask, a little too excited. Thomas’ eyes dart around the car.

“Umm… You know,” He stutters again.

“No, I don’t know. At least tell me what she’s like,” I say, shaking his shoulders a bit.

“Fine,” Thomas begins. Then he looks me in the eyes and a smile comes across his still blushing face. “She’s amazing. Everything she does mesmerises me. The way she walks and talks. The way she smiles, oh god, her smile. Her hair and her eyes. Sometimes I just want to lose myself in her eyes. They intrigue me. I want to hold her and kiss her, but I don’t think she likes me back,” Thomas rambles. I think her forgot he was talking to me about it. He lost himself just talking about this girl. She must mean a lot to him.

“She sounds great,” I tell Thomas. He nods, blushing a little harder. “Can you tell me who she is now?” I ask, nudge his shoulder ever so slightly. Thomas takes a deep breath, then exhales.

“It’s you,” Thomas admits.

My jaw practically drops. Then I do something I didn’t expect myself to do. I kissed him. I kissed my best friend. My hands wrap around his neck. It takes Thomas a while to respond, when he does, his hands hold my waist. I pull away so I can look at him. He looks a little hurt that I pulled away, maybe a little too soon. He lays his forehead against mine and we look into each other’s eyes.

“How long have you loved me?” I ask Thomas.

“Since I met you,” Thomas says, like it’s normal. Like it’s not a big deal. I pull away from his forehead and give him a confused and concerned look.

“You’ve loved me for five years?!” I say, kind of loud and kind surprised. Thomas looks down, ashamed. Then he nods slowly. I lift his chin.

“Why did you wait so long to tell me?” I ask him.

“I was afraid,” Thomas says simply.

“Afraid? Of me?” I ask.

“No! No. Of rejection. Of heart break. Being hurt,” Thomas explains. I squeeze his hand, after realizing I’m still holding it.

“You don’t have to be afraid. I love you too,” I tell Thomas. I lean in for a kiss, but he backs away. I give him a hurt look.

“Do you really love me? Or do you just want someone to help you forget…” Thomas trails off.

“Of course I really love you. Why would I say I love you if I don’t?” I say. Shouldn’t he be happy I love him back.

“Because you are really vulnerable right not,” Thomas tells me. I shake my head violently.

“No, I do, I love you,” I tell Thomas. I lean in again. This time he lets me kiss him. When I pull away I look at him intently.

“Do you believe me now?” I ask him. He frowns a bit.

“I don’t want to take advantage of you, (Y/N),” Thomas exclaims.

“I know you don’t. And you won’t. I just want you to know that I love you back,” I say. Thomas looks at me, then leans in, attaching our lips.

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