The Confession

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The Confession

“(Y/N),” I sit up, in my bed, to look at my best friend, “you gotta tell him before he asks Isabella,” my best friend, Anna, tells me. I sigh and nod, nervously. Then I flop back down on my bed.

“I know, but he’s one of my best friends. How am I gonna tell him I love him?” I ask Anna, waiting for any advice to help me. I wait patiently for an answer that doesn’t come.

“I-I don’t know, (Y/N),” Anna stutters. I groan and roll over onto my front.

“Anna, I don’t think I can do it…” I say, trailing off.


“Thomas?” I say as I walk into his house. I hear footsteps scrambling down the stairs.

“(Y/N)!” Thomas yells as he runs down the stairs, wearing a cute, white button up shirt and navy skinny jeans. I can’t help myself from gawking at him as his hair swishes from side to side.

“(Y/N)?” Thomas says, waving a hand in front of my face. I snap out of my trance and smile.

“Yeah?” I reply, trying to keep myself from blushing.

“Do you like this shirt? Or is it too blah?” Thomas asked. I can tell he’s kind of flustered. I furrow my brow at him as he wipes his clammy hands on his jeans. I place my hand on his shoulder, trying to calm his nerves.

“Hey, Tommy, you okay?” I ask Thomas. I only call him Tommy when I’m dead serious about something.

“I’m better than okay. I’m amazing. I’m bloody brilliant!” Thomas exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air and a smile spreading over his face.

“What’s so amazing?” I ask, a little curious and a lot confused.

“Today is the day I’m telling Alexis I love her. And then I’m asking her to move in with me,” Thomas explains. My heart drops and I instantly feel the urge to cry, but I hold it in. For now. I fake my best smile. I hope he can’t see right through it. Of course he does see right through it. Thomas tilts his heads and gives me a confused look.

“(Y/N), is something wrong? Do you not like Alexis?” Thomas asks me, walking closer to me. I glance down at my shoes before letting out a sigh.

“Alright, please promise me what I’m gonna tell you won’t ruin our friendship, okay,” I watch Thomas nod, before I continue. “Tommy, I-I really like you. And I don’t mean as friends, more than that…” I trail off, not knowing what else to say. I look over at Thomas. He looks shocked and maybe even a little confused.

“(Y/N), I love you too, but you know what? You’re a little too late. I love Alexis too. And I’m with her now. I’m sorry (Y/N). I wish you would’ve said something a year ago, when I was trying to get over you,” Thomas explains. I feel tears build up in my eyes. Thomas steps closer to me then wipes away a tear I didn’t know had fallen.

“I’m sorry,” Thomas whispered, before he kissed my lips gently. Even that quick, light kiss felt like an explosion in my stomach. Thomas slowly walked back upstairs and I just stood there for a while. Tears kept falling.

I walked out of his house and went back to my own house. On the way home, I called Anna.

“(Y/N)! How did it go?” I could feel her on the edge of her seat.

“He said he loves me too, but he also loves Alexis. He said I’m too late and that he’s still gonna tell Alexis he loves her today,” I explain to Anna. I can almost see Anna right now. Her jaw dropping to the floor and her eyes widening.

“I’m so sorry… I thought…” I cut her off.

“Anna… It’s okay. Well, I’ll talk to you soon,” I say.

“Okay. Bye,” Anna says quietly. Then I hang up and drive the rest of the way home. I try to keep myself from crying. From thinking about… Him. I pull into my driveway and my phone starts to ring. I lift it up and see who’s calling. The name that comes up surprises me and scares me at the same time.

(A/N): Part 2 coming up soon!!

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