Newt: Meeting His Parents

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Newt: Meeting His Parents

Note: Newt is immune and he make it to Paradise. (Y/N) is the only girl in group A, Teresa wasn’t in the glade.

We made it. Newt and I made it. We all made it. Well not all of us, but lots of us. Atleast Thomas, Minho, Newt, and I were all still together. We all made it. We all made it to Paradise.

“(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Guess what!” I hear Newt yelling as he ran toward me. I was sitting, watching the sunset, like I do every afternoon now. I turn my head in Newt’s direction as he plops down next to me. His smile goes from ear to ear.

“What’s going on, Newt?” I ask, laying my hand on his knee.

“Jorge helped me find out where my parents are!” Newt tells me. I can feel the excitement in his voice. I try to force a smile as I remember my parents. I barely remember them, but I remember little things about them. I remember after the sun flares hit we lived in a little camp. I remember my brother. I remember how scary it was when they shot everyone with the darts. The flare. I shake my head, trying to get rid of the bad memories of my family. Even though most of the memories I have of my family are bad. I put on the best smile I can and pull Newt into a hug.

“That’s great, Newt,” I say. I feel Newt shake a little bit. I pull him away to look him in the eye. As I do, I see a tear fall from his eyes. He self consciously wiped it away.

“Hey, Newt, what’s wrong?” I ask. I push my body against his, trying to comfort him.

“I’m… Afraid…” he stutters. “What if they don’t like me? What if they sent me away because they didn’t want me?” Newt asks. I chuckle.

“Newt, there are a lot of what ifs, but you are getting a second chance. I think you should take it. That’s what I would do if…” I just trail off. He knows what happened to my parents. Once I got my memory back, I told him right away.

“Yeah, you are right!” Newt says, perking up.

“So where are they?” I ask, laying my head on his shoulder.

“They are about an hour from here. Jorge said he’s fix up the berg that was left here and fly me there as soon as he could,” Newt said, cheerfully. Then he kind of looked down at his lap, bashfully. “I was wondering if, you know, when Jorge finishes, if maybe, you wanted to come with me. I think it would be a lot easier for me to meet my parents if you were there with me,” Newt asks. I can hear the nervousness in his voice. I know he’s scared about meeting his parents, but now he’s asking me to meet his parents too.

“Newt,” I began, lifting his chin. “I’d love to go with you,” I tell him. His frown grows into a smile.

“Really?” he asks. I nod and kiss his cheek.


Newt Pov

Jorge, with the help of the guys and I, fixed the berg in less than 3 weeks. Which, Jorge says, is very good timing.

Today we Jorge said he would drive (Y/N) and I to go see my parents. When we left, I could see (Y/N) was kind of nervous and kind of sad. I know it must hurt her to see me with my parents, since she lost her’s when she very young. I just hold her hand, tight, as we fly through the sky.

“Newt, we are here,” I hear Jorge yell from the other room. I squeeze (Y/N) hand.

“Okay, thanks, Jorge,” I yell back. Then I feel the berg lurch to Earth. I pulled (Y/N) up, off the chair and started to walk over to Jorge. He instructed us that the flare wasn’t in this part of the world, so he wouldn’t have to deal with any cranks. Thank God, I was sick of those cranks.

(Y/N) and I begin walking to where Jorge told us my parents live. I see the house he described. I tense up and I feel (Y/N) squeeze my hand.

“It’ll be fine,” she whispers in my ear. I squeeze her hand back, telling her ‘I know’, since I couldn’t get myself to actually say the words.

I knocked on the front door and held my breath, not knowing what’s on the other side of this door. A middle aged woman, with blond hair about the same color as mine, opens the door. Her tired, scared eyes blink a couple times. Then I see a flash of happiness in them. Her eyes never left mine.

“Levi?” she whispered under her breath. “Is that you?” she said a little louder. Levi. Huh, I wouldn’t have guessed that’s my real name.

“Mom,” I say, not knowing what else to say. My mom wraps her long, shaky arms around me. I feel her tight grip hold me close.

“I knew you’d come back to me,” Mom whispers into my ear. Her voice is very hoarse and raspy. I can hear the pain in her voice as she says these words. She pulls away after a long time of us just holding each other. My mom just seems to realize (Y/N) is here because her jaw practically drops to the floor.

“Deedee?” she says. She wraps her arms around (Y/N). Wait! How does my mom know (Y/N)’s real name?

“Hazel?” (Y/N) says back. Wait! They know each other!


(A/N): There will be a part 2, just so you know. Thanks for all the read, comments, and votes. Seriously it’s amazing! I hope you like this one.

Thanks a bunch!

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