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“Wait, what did he say?” Thomas asked, leaning further towards me. I lift my head out of my hands and glance up at him. Thomas sat next to me in the grass, outside of our high school. I see the concern of his face. It grows the longer I don’t answer him. I look down at my lap and feel a tear fall down my cheek.

“He said he only said yes when I asked him out because he wanted to make me cry,” I confess to Thomas. As he hears my words, his eyes widen with anger and sympathy. I feel another tear fall down my cheek. Ben is such a jerk. He doesn’t care about anyone, but himself. I can’t believe he said this to my face.

“What? Really?” I hear Thomas say. I nod slowly. I had a crush on Ben pretty much since I met him. He was always ‘the cool guy’ and I wasn’t anywhere close to being cool. So when he said yes when I asked him out, I freaked. That was almost a month ago now. I can’t believe he kept this ‘act’ going that long.

“What a loser!” Thomas practically yells. I jump a bit at his louder more angry tone. Thomas has been my friend since, well forever. We’ve been neighbors since we were born and our parents are best friends, so why not. Then I lay my head against my knees, pulling them closer to my chest. I feel more salty tears escape my eyes. Thomas wraps his long, muscular arm around me and pulls me closer to him. His embrace is warm and welcoming. I lay my head on his shoulder. A few more tears fall from my eyes and onto Thomas’ shoulder and neck. He feels his neck with the arm that isn’t holding me close. I see him touch his neck, where my tears lay.

“Are you crying?” Thomas asks me. I lift my head off his shoulder. Then I nod slowly. His sympathy turns to anger. I wince at his expression. Then he jumps to his feet. I curl up again, feeling the cool, fall air hug my body, replacing Thomas. The breeze blows my hair in front of my eyes.

“Where are you going?” I ask him, my voice cracking at the thought of being alone. Thomas turns and I see the hurt look on his face replace his anger, only for a second, but I saw it. I almost see him flinch when my voice cracks.

“I’m going to talk to Ben! He needs to know how he hurt you!” Thomas says, the anger rising once again. I almost fly up onto my feet. I grab his wrist, practically begging.

“Why?” I ask desperately.

“Because he made you cry!” Thomas said, frustrated. Still staring in the direction he was heading, but he did stop.

“Please, don’t go,” I beg. For one, I don’t want there being a fight, especially about me. And two, I don’t want Thomas embarrassing me or himself. Thomas turned in my direction, seeing the sadness in my eyes. I mouth the word please. I didn’t think I could get the actual word out of my mouth, so this was the next best thing. I see Thomas’ expression change again. He looks sorry for me. I look down at my feet and feel another tear fall down my cheek. I feel Thomas’ thumb wipe away my single tear. Then I felt a warm pair of lips attach to my tear stained cheek. I felt my face warm up and go bright red. My eyes widened as I turned to look at Thomas. He was staring at his feet.

“Thomas?” I said, quietly. Thomas and I have always been really close, but never like this. Does he like me. Like-like me.  

“Yeah?” Thomas said, almost quieter than me. I nudged him, so he’d look at me. He got the picture and made eye contact with me. “Sorry,” is all he said.

“Do you…” I asked, trailing off.

“What? No,” Thomas scoffed and almost laughed. It was more of a fake laugh though. His head dropped again. “Okay, maybe,” Thomas admitted.

“Really?” I asked. Thomas head nodded slowly. I stared at him for a while, absorbing the information. I let it sink in, then I wrapped my arms around his neck. I held him close to my body. I felt his arms snake around my torso. I felt Thomas’ grip on me tighten. I lift my head to see Ben walking past Thomas and I. Ben’s face has a trace of jealousy. I glance over at Thomas. His expression is angry again. Thomas’ arms pull away from me and he trudges up to Ben. I try to grab Thomas’ arm, but I’m a little stunned when he let go of me. I stand there for a moment just watching Thomas stormed over to Ben. Before I could yell out to Thomas I see his hand ball up into a fist. No. No. No! I open my mouth to scream Thomas’ name, but I’m too late. Thomas’ fist attached with Ben’s cheek. I saw Ben stumble back a bit. No. No. No! Ben instinctively punches back, connecting to Thomas’ jaw. I wince as Thomas falls to the ground. I knew that’s what was going to happen. Thomas is a pretty skinny guy and Ben, well he’s got a lot of muscles. Then I see Ben on top of Thomas. He has him pinned to the ground. I small crowd of jocks and preps circled the two boys. I stumble over to them and yell both their names. Tears escaping my eyes.

“Ben! Thomas! Stop! Please!” I yell, louder and louder. I get to the boys, wrestling in the grass. I kneel down next to them and try my best to break it up.

“Stop, please,” I say quieter now. I feel my hope draining out of me in my tears. Then both boys look up at me. “Please,” I barely whisper. I see Ben’s eyes drop in shame. Then I see Thomas’ black eye. I gasp under my breath, noticing both boys are quite bruised and beat up looking. I stand and just walk away. I didn’t want this. This is the last thing I wanted. I hear whispers in the crowd as I squeeze through the people. I keep my head down and walk away. The sound of someone following me fills my ears. I turn slowly to see a blood covered Thomas. I close my eyes, unable to look at him right now.

“(Y/N), please look at me,” I hear Thomas whisper, close to my face. Close enough that I can feel this warm breath on my cold face. I slowly open my eyes, they instantly fill with tears at the sight of his bruised eye and busted lip. My head falls onto Thomas’ chest. I hear Thomas gasp as I do. I must have laid my head on a bruise. I lift my head back up and look at him intently.

“Sorry,” I whisper softly.

“It was worth it,” Thomas says, so I lay my head back down, this time I was more careful.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers into my hair. I just nod, slowly. Then I feel Thomas’ soft lips gently touch my forehead.

101 Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now