My Surprise

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My Surprise

Thomas and I have been on a break for about a month now. We decided it would be better, while he was in America, filming. I think we were wrong. It’s not better, I think it’s worse. I‘ve cried myself to sleep almost every night since he left.

The only nights I don’t cry are the nights me ex-boyfriend, the one before Thomas, comes over. Ryan has been very sweet. He would come over and watch movies with me or play games. We hang out like old times, without the whole boyfriend girlfriend thing. He was coming over today, so I got some snacks and movies ready.

I hear a knock on the door, so I go to answer it. It’s Ryan! I hug him and then pull him into my house.

“Alright, I set out some movies. Pick one to watch and I’m gonna go grab the snacks I made,” I tell Ryan.

“Okay,” Ryan replies. I have already walked away, so I barely heard him. I grab the popcorn, hot chocolate, and candy I had specifically bought for tonight.

I walk back into the living room. I see Ryan laying on his stomach, twiddling his thumbs with a movie between his elbows. I notice Ryan picked “The Proposal” to watch. I sigh. That was one of Thomas’ favorite movies. I put the tray of foods on the coffee table. Then I lay on my stomach next to Ryan.

“So “The Proposal”?” I say, sighing a bit, remembering the good times Thomas and I had, watching that movie. He always laughed when Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock sang “It Takes Two”. He would always sing the high part with Ryan. Then he’d make me laugh.

“Is something wrong?” Ryan asked, getting me out of my daze.

“Umm… No, it’s just Thomas and I used to watch this movie. It was one of his favorites,” I admit to Ryan. A wave of sadness crosses his face. “I’m sorry. I know you don’t like talking about Thomas,” I say. Ryan was my boyfriend before Thomas. I dumped him for Thomas. So for all I know, Ryan still likes me.

“It’s okay. Do you wanna watch something else?” he asks, sitting up.

“No, lets watch it!” I say. Maybe it’ll help me feel better about Thomas being 5,000 miles away. I pop in the disc and the movie starts to play.

Halfway through the movie, I feel myself wanting Thomas home. I pull out my phone, without Ryan seeing and stare at a picture of Thomas and I at his last movie premier, for “The Maze Runner”. We were so happy.

When the movie finishes, I realize Ryan has gotten a lot closer to me, since the movie started. He’s almost touching me. I try to scoot the other way without him noticing. Before I can, Ryan slings his arm around my shoulder. I feel so awkward. Why is he acting like this? I thought he wanted to just hang out? He does know that we aren’t dating, right? Questions rained down in my brain. I could just see Thomas’ face right now, if he knew what was happening.

“Ryan? What are you doing?” I ask, politely.

“What do you mean?” he asks. He’s acting like he doesn’t know his arm is around me.

“Your arm,” I say and point to it. He gives me a flirty smirk. Then he laughs.

“What about it?” he asks. The he leans in way to close. His lips attach to mine. I try to push away with all my might, but he holds me there. That’s when I hear it. The door slams shut. I use all my strength to get away from Ryan and see who made the noise. My heart sank.


There will be a part 2. I hope you guys like the stuff I've been doing. Feel free to request. Thanks for all the votes!

Thanks a bunch!

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