Newt: What's Happening?

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Newt: What’s Happening?

I was just walking around the Glade, like any normal day. I waved to the runners as they ran across the Glade and into the Maze. I saw Thomas and Minho wave back before entering. I keep walking towards the deadheads. I always go back there when I get sick of my life here. As I step into the darkness of the deadheads, a chill rolls down my spine. I shiver trying to shake it away. I make my way to my normal spot where I always sit and read or write or sometimes just relax. Slowly, I relax myself and rest against a tree. I slide my back down the trunk of the massive oak. As I squat with my back against the tree, I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. I cry out in agony. My legs instantly give out and I fall onto my side. I bring my knees up to my chest and hug them close. Again I let out a shriek. My pelvis aches as I try to stand. More screams escape my mouth. I lay back down in the grass, giving up. What the hell is going on?

“(Y/N)?” I hear a voice say. My head shoots up in the direction of the voice. As I do so, pain stabs me like a knife in my stomach. I groan and roll over. I hear rustling of leaves as the person comes running towards me.

“(Y/N)!” the voice screams. The voice seems to familiar yet I can’t put my finger on it. I feel two strong arms wrap around my body. The arms lift me up and the hold me close to his body. I glance up and see Newt. Newt and I kind of been having a secret romance going on since I got here about a year ago. I really liked him, but Newt and I decided that it wasn’t a good idea to tell everyone.

“Newt…” I whimper. Pain erupts in my abdomen and a painful wail escapes my lips.

“Shh… (Y/N), you’re gonna be okay. I gotcha,” Newt tries to convince me as he hurried me back to the Glade. I did as I was told and stayed quiet.

Newt ran straight to the Homestead with me in his arms. I groan as the pain in my stomach increases.

“Hold on love. We’re almost there,” Newt said, pulling me closer into his body. We made it to the homestead and Newt instantly kicked in the door. He carried me up the stairs as he yelled for Clint and Jeff.

“Newt, what’s going on?” Jeff asked as him and Clint ran into the room Newt brought me into.

“I don’t know. I found (Y/N) in the deadheads, screaming in pain,” Newt explains as he carefully places me onto the bed. I let out a shriek as I lay flat on my back. “(Y/N), I’m here for you. I love you so much,” Newt tells me as he squeezes my hand and lays his head on my stomach. I tense up at the touch.

“Newt you’re gonna have to leave. We gotta check her out and there isn't enough room in here,” Clint tells Newt. Newt’s head whips up and he glares at Clint.

“I’m never gonna leave (Y/N)’s side,” Newt says sternly. Clint turns to Jeff and then he sighs. Clint looks back at Newt with a look of defeat, not wanting to argue.

“Fine, but you gotta stay out of our way,” Clint says. Newt just nods stiffly then he turns back to me. As he does I feel a inhumane feeling in my gut. I scream out in agony and grip onto Newt’s hand, squeezing it tight. Jeff runs to my side and starts checking my pulse as Clint asks me questions between my screams.

“(Y/N), where does it hurt?” Clint asks. I point to my stomach, unable to say anything. Clint nods and lifts my shirt so he can look at my stomach. Clint places his hand on my belly and feels around. A questionable look comes across Clint’s face.

“(Y/N), is it possible you’re pregnant?” Clint asks, pulling my shirt back down and raising an eyebrow. I slowly turn my head to look at Newt. His eyes widen. Then I turn back to Clint.

“Maybe,” I say, shrugging. I would face palm myself if I wasn’t in so much pain.


(A/N): Part 2 coming soon!!!! Thanks for all the comments, reads, and votes! I love it all!

Thanks a bunch!!

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