Marcus 16

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Why did I always get lumped in with the females? True I was the more passive one in my marriage and sometimes I had a little more sway in my hips than a man should but still, sometimes I wanted to sit around with Khalil and them and watch sports.... or rather pretend to watch sports but yet here I was in the grocery store with my mom, Tonya, Liberty, Cadence, and for some reason Vanessa who Zyshaun had pawned off on us shopping for a holiday that was still almost a month away. I much rather be at home getting ready for Noah's game instead I was probably going to be late because these birds didn't understand the concept of time management. Also the thought of Marquise, Odion and Darion spending a couple hours alone with that group of men was scary I might come home to find my baby and nephews in there cribs having a basketball game or something.

"Mom we've been down this aisle like four times already, I'm pretty sure nothing has changed. Now can we please finish so I can go home and get ready for my son's game tonight..... please?" I asked looking at her.

"What's the rush? It's not like he starts....." Liberty said and I almost cussed her ass out but she was going through one of her pregnancy mood swings in about five minutes she'd either be laughing or crying.

"The more time I spend away from Zyshaun the better....... I swear he is so damn petty especially when he's bored, which is all the time and I can't really go to Toussaint's pool house because there are so many teenage boys in there that it's uncomfortable and......" Vanessa started to say but Liberty cut her off.

"Well how about this you can go find you a JOB and move out........" Liberty said and I had to shake my head because angry Liberty was the worse Liberty.

"I agree with Marcus, I have a appointment with the dick doctor....... I mean Marsean wants to talk about the move in great detail before we leave for the game." Tonya said smiling and all I could think was...... gross.

"I'm almost done I just gotta get something for Zyshaun...... my poor boo is going crazy being stuck in that house. Marcus you need to figure out why they aren't letting him off." My mom said and I had to bite my tongue, I knew exactly why they were keeping him on house arrest old ass Linda was claiming Zyshaun was making threats against her life and he feared for her safety and needed the trial pushed back for 'medical reasons'........ But I wasn't going to tell them and get them riled up for something out of their control.

We finished shopping and I was volunteered to ride with my mom and Vanessa to take the stuff to Zyshaun and was really getting irritated. Walking through the house I found Zyshaun taking stuff out of one of the many rooms and stared at him curiously.

"Umm what are you doing?" I asked as he took his shirt off.

"I'm about to paint this room....... where's mom at?" He asked looking around. "So I've been thinking....... Kim didn't give me any useful information before I sent her ass up to New York to work for Cardo and Dro so my only chance of finding out any information on Julius is you......" He said looking at different color paints.

"Just how did you get information or lack there of, from her?" I asked picking out the best color for the room.

"I fucked her until she was spilling everything...... don't give me that look Marcus I'm fuckin horny and Yuri is still M.I.A.. Now tell me what are Julius weaknesses? What does he love more than even you? Where's his momma stay, his daddy, does he have any siblings, kids, ex-wives.... give me something." Zyshaun said.

"If I knew anything like that don't you think I would've told y'all by now? His parents are deceased, he has none of the other things you mentioned...... I mean there was this one dude he was messing with but I don't know what hapenned with that...." I said.

"Give me a name, address and social security number I'll get the information out of him and I've got nothing but time....... now leave me to my work." Zyshaun said turning to the wall, I picked up a paint brush and splatter paint all over the wall before walking out, very childish but so what he was annoying and I didn't like being bossed around. We got back home and everyone was getting ready for the game except for my mom, Tonya and Marsean.

"Mar I'm going to stay here with Cori..... he's been sick all day and I don't want to leave him here, mom is going to have her hands full with all these kids while Tonya and Marsean will be....... busy." Khalil said.

"It's fine I'll stay here with Cori, I've been to all of Noah's games this year I don't think he'll be too upset if I miss just one." I said kissing him before walking up to Cori's room where Noah was sitting on his bed talking to him quietly.

"You'll be good little bro it's just the stomach flu....... by tomorrow you'll be running around like it never happened....... just don't touch me for about a week I can't be missing school, because my punk ass little brother got me sick." Noah said smiling.

"You really need to watch your mouth Noah." I said scaring both of them.

"Sorry dad.... I'ma go grab my stuff." Noah said starting to walk out the room but stopped right in front of me. "Don't move......." He reached for the top of my head and quickly pulled at something. "Dang dad you're getting old." He said laughing as he showed me a grey hair, I looked around for something to hit him with but he was already halfway down the stairs........

For the most part everything was quiet, all the kids were downstairs watching movies, Cori was sleeping and from the smile on Tonya's face her appointment went really well.......... I walked into the kitchen where my mom was cooking.

"Mom you really need to sit down somewhere..... you've been up all day taking care of everyone sit down and relax a little." I said looking at her.

"That's what I've been saying, she doesn't even let you hold Marquise. Mom you're not Superwoman anymore." Marsean said walking into the kitchen.

"Let me tell y'all something...... one of these days y'all are going to look up and I'll be gone and y'all will be wishing I was her to take care of everything." My mom said, me and Marsean looked at each other and my heart started racing.

"Mom what are you talking about? You're........ you're not sick are you?" I asked quietly.

"WHAT?! Boy no...... I'm just saying one of these days I'm going to find me a nice rich white man. pack up and move to Switzerland like my sister Anna Mae did....." She said waving us off.

"Mom....... Tina Turner is not your sister." I said rolling my eyes.

"Lies........ why are you always lying Marcus, first you claim I've never been married to Gerald LeVert...." She said.

"You haven't." Marsean said quietly.

"Then you denied my affair with Trey Songs....." She said just really getting started.

"It never happened....." Marsean said just loud enough so that I was the only person who heard him.

"You claim you weren't there for my rap battle with Queen Patti..... or my fight with that tramp Aretha......" She said pacing around.

"Our mom is crazy....." Marsean said shaking his head sadly.

"But I will not...... I repeat I WILL NOT let you deny the fact that Anna Mae is your aunt." She said staring at us. God why did I come in here? "Ohh there's something on my mind...... won't somebody please...... pleeeaaassse tell me what's wrong?" My mother started to sing, me and Marsean looked at each other before both running out the kitchen.

"Why'd you have to get her started?" Marsean asked punching me in the arm. "You know how she gets anytime Tina Turner is brought up." He said shaking his head. "But umm....... do you believe her? I mean she sounds fine but her eyes....... she looks so tired and I've seen it before with some of my patients it's like......." Marsean shoo his head like he couldn't finish.

"Look mom is the strongest woman I know........ if she says she's good we should believe her, she probably needs a vacation." I said turning back to our mom, as she leaned against the counter with her eyes closed. Her face looked so peaceful that it was almost scary....... what if there really was something wrong with her, honestly I didn't know what I'd do because just the thought of losing her was one of the worse things imaginable...........

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