Chapter 4: The Man with the Plan

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It had been a couple days since that incident with Cyrus and well he hadn't been seen since yesterday when he stormed off from practice, I guess a video leaked out of his girlfriend sucking some dudes dick and once the dude in the video busted in her mouth, she got out his car walked over to Cyrus who was coming out of the school and kissed him. To make matters worse another video was going around of the same dude fucking Cyrus's sister in his room and the dude busted on his pillow. How did I know it was Cyrus's room?........ no comment. Did I feel sorry for the dude? Nope Cyrus had a big ass mouth and was always fucking with somebody but I can honestly say I had absolutely nothing to do with either video getting out, nor was I involved in any way,shape or form. I just wished Odion hadn't got suspended, I really didn't like the idea of him being at home alone and he keeps blacking out at random times, I tried to stay home with him but my dads wasn't having it the pushed education above all us so I was stuck here while Odion was doing who knows what. As I walked through the hall with my other best friend who just so happened to be my big cousin Marquise, all everyone was talking about was the video.

"You are a sick ass dude Darion you know that right?" Marquise asked laughing but I didn't know what he was talking about; Ace, Alex and JD all started laughing when I walked down the hall and all I could do was smirk until she walked into my line of sight. There was something about Danielle that always made me freeze up and I lost all the charm and wit I had and reverted back to that little kid who had trouble breathing. As she passed me, she smiled and walked over to Alex who just so happened to be her  best friend and I came back to reality. I knew how my big cousin felt about her so I wouldn't go there no matter how much my heart begged me to just ask her out, I couldn't.

"My bad Marquise what were you saying?" I asked turning my attention back to my cousin.

"I was saying that I heard Cyrus doesn't want to come back to school and........... oh fuck." Marquise said and I knew by the tone of his voice exactly who he saw. Ivanna Gonzalez, 5'3 inches of pure bitch (I can say that because I'm her cousin) but Ivanna was literally the most spoil person in our family, whatever she want she got from everyone.

"You working today? Don't answer that I already know you are so I'm going to ride with you because I need to talk to Saint about my album." Ivanna said.

"But you can't sing....... at all. The sound of your voice is like two cats hate fuckin in a sack full of weasels that got tossed into a wood-chipper." Ace said popping up outta nowhere and I had to admit he had a point, The choir teacher gave her an 'A' under the condition that she didn't show up to class because her voice was so bad.

"You better be lucky you have basketball or you'd be the one taking me Lorenzo." She said rolling her eyes. "Don't keep me waiting Darion." She said walking off.

"Would you be mad if I pushed her down a flight of stairs?" I asked turning to Ace, who shook his head. "My thing is Saint told her flat out that she wasn't getting a record so why would she......." Then it hit me and I realized she wasn't going to see Saint at all.

"What are you planning? You got that look in your eye." Ace said smirking and I just smiled, if I played this right I could finally put Ivanna in her place and I specialized in bringing people back down to earth........

I had been working for my cousin Toussaint for about three years now, I guess I develop my love for music from my dad but I was more interested in the business aspect more than anything. I sat in Saint's office while he listened to the album his protege Armani had just finished but I was more focused on the fact that Armani and Ivanna kept staring at each other very subtly, yeah they were definitely fucking around.

"Darion what did you think of this album?" Saint asked and I just shrugged. "Will for me given the choice between listening to this again and fucking a hornet's nest raw, I'm definitely going for the hornet's nest. Armani you're better than this, what happened to the little dude that used to rap about shyt that actually mattered? I'm pissed Yuri actually allowed you to bring this shyt to me, I mean what was he thinking?" Saint asked and Armani shrugged.

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