Epilogue 3: Sa'vion

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I guess I had changed a lot, I wasn't the same dude I was when I first set foot in Texas, I was no longer the childish dude who looked down on everyone or who did whatever my uncle/dad wanted I had grown closer with my siblings and I no longer treated women like shyt. I had a girl that I can honestly say I loved and to prove it we were on our way to get married, she didn't want to make a big deal out of it so neither did I just a quick marriage downtown. I knew my brothers and sisters would be pissed because they like to turn everything into a reason for a party and I still had a little petty left in my tank so any small reason to piss them off was coo with me. I looked over at Kierra and smiled I really did love this girl and now we just had to wait a couple more minutes before everything could be official..........

"Hey Sa'vion funny running into you down here....." Staci said walking up to us and I swear it took every ounce of self control I had not to knock this bitch out. "Aww don't look like that Sa'vion I'm just here trying to get custody of my son back. Why are you here and is that a ring I see on you finger girl that's cute......." Staci said trying to taunt Kierra.

"Baby just please ignore her, she's miserable and you know what they say about misery and company. Staci you can try all you want to get Kylan back but it's not going to happen I mean look at you, you look like the very definition of a hood rat; weave all messed up, you're wearing a fucking mini skirt, and I'm pretty sure I just saw a couple roaches crawling on your purse so please try all you want but if I have it my way you'll never see Kylan again." I said seriously.

"YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP SA'VION!!!!!" Staci yelled causing everyone to look at us like we were crazy, thankfully the security came and started escorting Staci away but that didn't stop her from throwing out insults. "S'AVION I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU AND THAT BITCH'S ASS JUST WATCH I SWEAR TO GOD!!!!"

"Baby I'm so sorry that happened....... I promise it won't be like that forever." I said looking at Kierra who just smirked.

"I'm happy I mean you handled yourself better than you would've when we first met which shows me you're maturing..... now let's go get married so we can....." She whispered the rest in my ear and that was enough to make me forget about the whole exchange with what's her name..............

Once everything was signed and official I sped all the way back to the house, I had been waiting for this moment for what seemed like years and technically it had been but when I pulled up, Cam was waiting on the porch and I instantly thought something was wrong with Kylan.

"Is Kylan......?" I said jumping out the car.

"Yeah he's fine, remember we were supposed to be meeting with DiMarino to go over the plans for our security company? If I remember correctly you were pretty business savvy and I need someone I trust to help look over some of these papers." Cam said and honestly I was so damn caught up in 'wedding' that I completely forgot.

"It's okay Sa'vion.....  go ahead and take care of business I'll be here waiting for you when you're done." Kierra said kissing me, I looked her in the eyes and smiled I had waited this long what's the harm in waiting a few more hours?................................

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