𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈: Chapter 3

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It had been a few days since the night I helped that man. I couldn't stop thinking about him. There was something about him that left me captivated. His strong aura was enough to lure your eyes. I was  so intrigued by him, I couldn't really explain it.

I didn't even know him, yet I had I feeling I could trust him that night to allow him to stay.

Or maybe...I just never encountered a man like him. He had seemed to be around my age, but something tells me he was different from other guys.

The guys I knew growing up in the country-side, they were a little more laid back, easy going and very respectful towards others. I had barely met any guys here in Seoul, but I do see the difference between country boys and city boys. Seoul boys struck me as more tense and flashy, and a bit ill-mannered. So I try to stray away from guys, as much as possible.

But for some reason that man caught my attention. I just couldn't forget his face. He was a good-looking young man. I mean I've seen many good-looking men but he was just in another level of good-looking.

He had left me worrying if he was okay. I really do hope he ended up being fine. I wonder what had led him to his condition. But I didn't get a chance to ask him, since he abruptly left out the door after treating his wound.

I really wanted to get him out of my mind but part me wanted to see him again. But Seoul is such a big city, I don't think I'd ever get a chance to see that man again.

I tried brushing those thoughts of him off my mind as I returned my attention back to my textbooks. I continued making notes when I get started horrifying screams coming from the living room. My eyes widen and heart jumped to an alarming rate. I dropped my pen and frantically ran to checked and once I got there my body froze at the scene.

"DON'T FUCKING SCREAM OR I'LL BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF!" A black masked man shouted at my roommate, who he had hostage with a gun pointed at her head and another black masked man standing near by. My eyes shifted down to the floor and feel my breath caught to see my other roommate on the floor. It seemed like she was strangled to death.

They soon turned their heads towards me and immediately the other guy nearby pointed his gun to me. The two men had on black hoodies over their heads and black surgical face mask covering half of their face, making it hard for me to see who they were.

"WHERE IS HE?" The man pointing his gun on me, growled.

I was so confused who he was referring to. There was no guy living here. Maybe they got the wrong house?

All of a sudden my roommate had bitten the hand of the masked man that was covering her mouth, making him growl in pain. The other masked man who had the gun pointed at me shifted his gun at her and immediately shot her dead. My body jumped, to witnessed her body dropped harshly to the hard wooden floors.

The two men shifted their full focus on me, as they point the gun towards me and ask me the question again, "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?"

I couldn't speak. I was frozen and tears began to form. My body stood still, as my eyes look down at both of my roommates dead on the floor with a puddle of blood forming around the one who got shot.

"Are you fucking deaf!" the man yelled. The man kept his gun directly at me, but soon the other lowered his gun and came towards me.

I can hear my heart pounding hard and fast, as I stayed in place. I closed my eyes accepting my fate. But then suddenly, two gun shots go off. I flinched and held my breath in, preparing myself for the pain I was going to feel.

But I felt nothing.

I open my eyes slowly and see the two black-masked men dead on the floor. As I look up I see two other men with guns in their hands.

"Sorry we're a little late," the black-haired guy with a bucket hat said, looking at me as he placed his gun away into his jacket.

"Yeah, sorry we couldn't save your two friends here," a taller guy with broad shoulders emotionlessly said, looking down at the scene.

I was still in shocked. It felt like I was in a night-mare. I didn't know what to say or do. Hot tears streamed down my face, as I stood still, frozen at the same spot.

What just happened? And who are these two guys?

"You're probably very confused right now, but let me introduce myself. I'm Kim Seokjin," the broad shoulder guy said nonchalantly. He was wearing an oversized black hoodie with a black cap.

"And I'm Jung Hoseok, but you can call me J-Hope!" the black bucket hat guy said, smilingly. He was dressed in all black too but had on an oversized black shirt.

I still stood frozen unable to utter any words, while the two seemed unfazed. They were looking at me, then soon exchanged looks at each other.

"I think it's best if you come with us." Jin turned towards me. "Don't worry we won't harm you. You can trust us. As you can see if we didn't come, you would have been dead by now."

𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬: The TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now