Prologue Chapter 1

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Amidst the darkness surrounded, there is a mysterious wooden box, sealed shut with magic. The box was shaped like a coffin, housing a figure, sleeping. The box suddenly contains the sounds of claws scratching and mumbling of a voice from the outside, waking the girl from her peaceful slumber.

"What's that noise...?" the girl groggily says as she slowly wakes up from her sleep, with the claws continue to scratch the box.

"I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me..." a voice mumbles from outside the box, sounding nervous as the scratching increases.

The scratching suddenly stops, and the girl hears the groaning of wood, assuming that someone is trying to open the box.

"Urgggh...This lid weighs a ton!" the strained voice says, trying to open the lid on the box. The girl sits silently, waiting for the said voice to attempt to open the box, only to hear nothing after a minute of grunting. She looks around the darkness and starts to shake nervously.

Did they leave me here? She thinks, not wanting to be left behind in a trapped box without knowing who or even what is out there. She closes her eyes, praying that the person didn't leave her there.

"Hah...well then if I can't open it by force..." the voice trails on, getting a bit snarky, "then try this on for size! Mya-ha!"

Suddenly, the sound of breaking wood reached her ears, and a pop sound is heard. She slowly opened her eyes and widened them when she saw the sight in front of her. The box that she was peacefully settled in was blown open by a sea of blue flames, slowly creeping up towards her, panicking as the flames start to lick her skin.

"F-fire!?" She quietly exclaims, not knowing that the cause of the fire slowly creeps up towards her.

"Now to grab the goods..." the voice says and she instantly follows the direction of the voice. She turns her head to the right and sees deep blue eyes staring at her back, eyes widen in shock at the unexpected encounter.

"What?! You ain't supposed to be awake!" The owner of the blue eyes exclaimed in surprise and took a step back from her.

"A talking...weasel?" The girl mumbles, quietly observing the strange creature in front of her.

"How...How DARE YOU! I am no WEASEL! I'm Grim, sorcerer extraordinaire!" The creature tells her angrily.

When the girl looks at the creature, she can see where she was wrong. The creature was gray and had a small shape of a cat, with the ears containing blue flames. The cat, as the girl had decided it was, had a little white tuff of fur on the front of the belly, and a torn black and white ribbon tied on its back. She also noticed the pitchfork shaped tail that replaced a normal cat's tail, making it not a weasel but a sort of cat in her eyes.

"Tch, Whatever. You...human! Just gimme your uniform and be quick about it!" The creature demanded of the confused girl as she is still thinking about what the creature is.

"My...uniform?" the girl mumbles as she looks down and see what she is wearing. She's wearing a robe that is a few sizes too big on her, laced with purple coloring and gold lining surrounded the edges. When she lifts up her arms, the robe obviously hangs over her hands, limping at the fact that her hands are shorter than the length of the robe. She slowly stands up and sees that the robe basically engulfs her entire body, leaving a messy appearance of a child wearing their parents' clothes. She also noticed that there is a hood covering her head, hiding her long white hair, which she was grateful for since her hair would have been burned along with the flames.

How...How did this happen?! The girl wonders as she turns around to see the robe follow her every movement despite not fitting her properly.

The creature, Grim as stated, looks at her with an impatient look as she's trying to make sense of the situation of her change of clothes. "Yeah the uniform, no hurry up and give it to me... 'cause if you don''re gonna regret it!"

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