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It's time for the long awaited Q&A chapter! Where I answer the questions you might have about the story and me! Without further ado, let's get things started!

Q: Where are you from?

A: I'm going to keep it brief since I say this on my streams a lot but I'm from the USA, specifically Tennessee. Might not seem like it but it's true, though I do have to say I don't like country music but yet it's everywhere 😔

Q: What's your favorite anime/genre?

A: I have top three: Bobobobobo, Danganronpa, and Durarara.

I love slice of life and comedy anime and usually watch action, adventure, and horror anime depending on the mood. I usually keep track of seasonal anime, usually seeing that the manga I've read being adapted into anime and would watch those, so if you need an anime expert, I'm the girl! Im so old that I used to watch anime in part on YouTube when they had it, you know before the anime companies decided to stop giving out free anime 🙄 but that didn't stop me 🤫

Q: What are you hobbies?

A: I'm a simple girl, I have simple hobbies. I like watching anime, hanging out with friends, games, and eating (yes not really hobbies I know), but I do like working out, writing, reading, streaming, kickboxing (yes I kickbox!), cooking, baking, and my dog! Yes I have a dog. She's just spoiled. If you want to know what she looks like here she is!

She's a Shizu poodle mix and she just turned 6 on August 4th

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She's a Shizu poodle mix and she just turned 6 on August 4th. She still think shes a puppy, and the energy matches it but I love her so much 😻😻😻

Q: Where did you username come from? It's everywhere!

A: my grandma looked at me when I was a baby and said I was a tiger, and then she added lily to the name, calling me "Tiger Lily" but as I got older she dropped the lily and just called me "Tiger". The first part "Teetee" is my initials spelled out, so with both of them together, it became catchy and clicked so "Teeteethetiger" came about.

Q: Where'd the profile picture come from?

A: Easy: a visual novel that I've been keeping up ever since my sophomore year of high school. The character was pink and I LOVE pink, so I vibed with her! 🩷💖

Q: You're in school right? What's your major?

A: Funny thing about me: I already have a bachelors degree! I'm just switching careers and heading for nursing, which shouldn't take me long. During the time I wrote this book, I was taking prerequisites classes to get into nursing school and I only had a few classes to take since my bachelor degree covered most of them. My bachelors degree is in animal science so you could see how I would only take a few classes after suffering for 5 years with a single degree.

Q: How long have you known about fanfiction?



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