Prologue Chapter 7

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Morning comes for the duo in the bedroom, and the light shines on the white-haired girl, as she stirs awake. She opens her eyes and glances at the window, seeing that morning has indeed come. She looks at Grim who was snuggling in her arms, with her having a soft smile on her face. She gets up without waking him and starts stretching, getting ready for the day at hand. After all, they both start their new jobs today.

As she changes clothes back to the smock and apron she had on yesterday and fixed her hair, she steps into the hallway and head towards the lounge, remembering the apples left in the lounge when she grabs one of them and leave the other for Grim. She takes a bite of the apple and was about to turn around to wake Grim up when the ghosts show up again, making her step back in shock.

"Well, well, well," the medium sized ghost says, looking at the girl. "Don't you two start your new jobs today?"

"Ah...yeah," Angel responds, not forgetting about the conditions she made with the headmage. "I was just about to wake Grim up.

"Such a nice girl you are," the skinny ghost says, admiring the girl's work ethic.

"If we're still alive, we would help you out, but we're dead!" The chubby ghost says with a amused look.

Angel stared at the three ghosts, realizing that they weren't so bad as they were last night. She smiled and asked them, "Since we're staying here for the time being, can we get along? It doesn't make sense to be enemies if we're going to live together you know?" The ghosts looked at her in surprise then slowly had a smile form on their faces, agreeing with her words. "Then, can I get your names?"

The ghosts look at each other with sad smiles. "We actually forgot our names," the skinny ghost said, causing Angel to have a sad face.

"It's been so long since someone called us by our names that we forgot," the medium sized ghost says with a sad smile.

"Then..." she hesitates to ask the three ghosts, and they all look at her to continue. "Can I give you names then?"

"Of course, you can!" the chubby ghost says. "It can be like a new identity!"

"Hmmm...." Angel thinks while the ghosts look at her in anticipation for their names. Angel looks at the three of them to find that they are looking at her exciting hopeful for some names after who know how long.

"Then how bout this," she starts. "I'll call you Benny," she points to the chubby ghost. "Benny" thinks about his name before agreeing with her choice, accepting it with a smile. "And for you," she looks to the medium sized ghost. "How about Casper?" "Casper" closes his eyes and accepts the name with a nod. "And last but not least," she says looking at the skinny ghost. "How about...Adam?" She hesitates looking at the ghost. "Adam" is silent for a while, making the girl nervous about her name, until he tells her he likes it.

Angel, proud with her choice of names, smile at the ghosts. "Then you guys are now named Benny, Casper, and Adam. Good names if I may say!"

The ghosts all nod at her statements and start calling each other by their names, trying to get the feel of their new names. While they are preoccupied with their naming game, she goes back upstairs and tries to wake Grim up, ready to tell him about the exciting news about the new relationship with the ghosts. She gently pushes him awake, making him stir in his sleep.

"Mmmmm...Nngh...Five more minutes, Ma...."

"Go ahead, sleep the day away. And you might not eever hafta wake up again," Casper says as he hovering over Grim, saying it close to his ear.

"Just like us! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!" Benny added on, laughing, causing Grim to jump up awake.

"Myah?! The ghosts are back!" He exclaims in surprise, then getting into an attacking position.

"Wait Grim!" Angel jumps between Grim and the ghosts, causing Grim to stop his spell. "They're good, I swear!"

"Huh?! Angel, you made friends with the ghosts?" Grim asks, bewildered and Angel nodded.

"It's fine. They won't attack us again," she said.

"Maybe not attack you per se, but I hope you guys like pranks as much as we do!" Adam says with a chuckle and Benny and Casper joins in. They disappear, laughing.

"Hmph, we gotta get rid of those things for good," Grim mumbles and Angel lightly hit head on the head. "Hey! Why'd ya do that for?"

"They won't make our stay here as terrifying as last night, Grim, so we don't have to be worried about running away from being killed at least," Angel responds, petting the place where she hit his head.

"Well then, it seems you two are up this morning," a voice comes out of the doorway and the two see Crowley observing their behaviors. "Good morning, Angel. Did you sleep well?"

Grim hmphs and stare at Crowley. "Not at all! When I sprawled out on the bed, the mattress fell right through the frame," he complains. "Exactly how ramshackle IS this dorm? And worst yet, we got woken up by ghosts!"

Angel gives Grim a small awkward smile while he complains and faces Crowley, answering his question. "I slept great!"

"I am delighted to hear that you've adjusted so well, despite being sent to another world!" Crowley exclaims happily before moving to a serious tone. "Now speaking of moving on, let us discuss your assignment for today," he says as his exits the bedroom and moves downstairs with Angel picking up Grim and follow him to the lounge.

As the three approach the lounge, Crowley turns to the two and clears his throat. "Your job today is to clean the campus."

Angel's eyes widen in shock. The entire campus??

"That said," Crowley continues. "The campus is vast, and without magic, it's be quite the Herculean task to clean it all. Therefore, today I'll have you focus on the area spanning from the front gates to the library." Angel sighs in relief, thankful she doesn't have to clean up the entire school on the first day.

"Now Angel," Crowley says to get Angel out of her peace of mind. "I do expect that you'll keep a close eye on Grim, lest he cause another incident like yesterday."

"R-Right!" She responds, despite his hard stare on her. "I'll try my best to make sure he's on his best behavior!"

Crowley looks at her with a closed eye smile. "Do not fail me. You may take your lunch in the cafeteria," he says as he starts to walk towards the door. "I eagerly await the fruits of your labor," he says as he open and shut the door after himself.

"Hrmph. I ain't cleanin' nothin'!" Grim says. "I'm here to study magic so I can be blastin' off spells left and right!" he says as he jumps down from Angel and strike poses of him firing off spells. "Like BAM! POW! FWOOM!"

Angel giggles at him while he's in his fantasy and walks towards him. "Well, after we clean, we can study in the library so the 'oh so mighty Grim' can practice his spells then. Shall we head to the gate now?" she asks while he climbs on her body to her shoulders.

"Hmph. Fine," he says dejectedly as the two leave the dorm and head towards the front gate, ready to start their job.

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