🦁The Usurper from the Wild🦁 Chapter 1

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A/N: Accidentally published this chapter when I was making changes (thought it was another chapter I was editing) but I hope you guys enjoy it! The event story will be published shortly! 4/7/23

One night, as Angel and Grim sleep in their shared room, the mirror glows, ripples forming a picture forms in her dreams.

(I can hear the wind) Angel thinks as she opens her eyes, surprised to see nothing but the clouds in the sky when she opens them. Her thought proved to be valid when she felt wind hit her, making her look in the direction it is coming from. In her view, she sees a large, slanted rock, and on that rock was 2 lions, a male and female Angel presumes, and a monkey of some kind, slowly walking towards the edge of the rock. As the lions reach the edge of the rock, they stopped, and the monkey only walked a little further, stopping in front of them. As they stopped in front of the rock, a bird flies over Angel, stopping right in front of the three creatures, holding what seems to be a staff of sorts in its talons. The monkey faces the lions, as if they were communicating of some sort. Upon closer inspection, Angel could see the monkey holding something, a brightly colored ball of fur in its hands. Soon enough, the monkey turns around with the ball of fur, and holds it up to the sky, the clouds parting for the sun to shine on the lion cub. The vision starts to fade, leaving Angel confused at the scene that was once before her.

Angel's eyes start fluttering, making her wake up from the weird dream she had. She looks out the window, seeing that morning has come for the day, making her check her phone to see the detailed time. As she's reaching her phone, she sees Grim moving on the bed, still sleeping and dreaming some weird dream.

"Myaaaah!" Grim sleep talks as he moves around the bed, rolling and flailing around. "Meeeeeooow! Myah myaaah..." Angel just sweat drops at him. He says he's not a cat, yet here he is, meowing like one.

"Someone's having a nightmare..." She says as she tries to wake Grim up, trying to get him ready for the day.

Grim snores. "Myaaaah...Thass whatchu get...fer crossin' Grim da Miiiiightyyy..." he says as he still snores.

Angel could only deadpan at Grim's sleep talking. She leans down near Grim's ear and says, "Grim, wake up!"

"That's right! Cower before me, teapot tyrant!" Grim says before he opens his eyes. He looks to see Angel in her nightgown, looking at him with a smirk on her face. "BWUH-MYAH?!" He exclaims as he looks around. "...Huh? Where am I?" Angel only giggles at Grim's dream as she starts to get ready for the day. "Aw, man! I was dreaming that I was trouncing Riddle with my magic. You shoulda seen his face..."

"After all that time, you're still hung up about Riddle?" Angel asks as she changes into her uniform. "You know that was about 2 weeks ago. Besides," she says as she starts taking her hair down from her braids. "You won't get that strong by snoozing all day, you know."

"Hmph," Grim says as he watches the girl brush her hair. He jumps down from the bed and stretch. "All right, lemme just fix my bedhead, then it's off to class! I've got magic to master!" He says with a paw in the air, making Angel laugh at his determination. I wonder how long it'll last until he's bored with classes again. Angel finishes tying her hair with a ribbon and then head off downstairs, getting breakfast before the two head out for the day.

Once lunchtime came around, Ace, Deuce, Angel, and Grim walks into the cafeteria, happy at the fact that classes is halfway done.

"Ugh, Professor Trein must have cast a sleepin' spell on me," Grim says as he's on Angel's shoulders. "I fought to stay awake, but he was sooooo boring!" He lasted until 2nd period. That's a new record Angel thinks as Grim is complaining.

"Yeah, 'fought,' sure," Deuce says, glancing at Grim. "I heard you snoring five minutes in."

"Grub time! What's it gonna be today?" Ace says excitedly, looking around the cafeteria, only to be surprised at the lunch line. "Huh, wait? What's going on? Why's it so crowded in here?" He says as students head towards the line.

A ghost comes around, shocking the four. "The famous bakery from out of town is serving up their goods. It only happens once a month!" The ghost explains, causing the four to look at the group of students trying to get whatever they could get their hands on. "Their stock sells out fast, so you'd better hurry!" The ghosts warn before disappearing.

"Gimme three of those chocolate croissants!" A student says.

"Woo-hoo, I actually snagged an egg sandwich this month! These things are AMAZING!" Another student says, walking away from the crowd with their egg sandwich in hand.

"Egg sandwiches are now sold out! Only one deluxe ham and cheese left!" A ghost shouts out to the crowd.

"Oh, man, everything looks amazing," Ace says as he looks at the goods offered. "I'm gonna see if I can grab somethin'."

"Wow, they really do seem popular!" Deuce states as the crowd only grows bigger and bigger as they watch. "Angel, Grim, what do you-Huh?" Deuce says looking at Angel, only for Angel to blink at him. She noticed that a certain weight on her head was gone and felt that Grim wasn't there. She looked at the floor only to see that Grim has disappeared.

"Where did Grim go?!" She asks, making Ace and Deuce sigh at her absent mindedness.

"Hey! Outta my way, losers!" The three teens look towards the sound, only for their thoughts to be confirmed. "That grilled cheese is mine!" Grim says to the students as he jumps on the students heads.

"Hey, no cutting!" A student yells out.

"A freshman, cutting in front of an upperclassman?!" Another student says. "Time to learn you some manners."

Angel only sighs at Grim's actions, while Ace and Deuce only look at the scene with widen eyes. "He's got such a one-track mind when it comes to food!" Deuce states. Ace only sighs.

Angel looks at Grim and then walks towards the crowd, making Ace and Deuce follow her and she tries to get Grim. "Grim! Stop! Sit! Down boy!" she shouts, only to fail as Grim keeps jumping from student to student. The three look at each other, agreeing with the fact that they should at least try to minimize the damage that Grim is causing. The three try to squeeze in the crowd of students, with Ace and Deuce trying to keep an eye on Angel since she's small and would get lost in the crowd. As they squeeze through the crowd, Angel tried to catch Grim as he's student hopping, making her accidentally hit some students. They only look at her as she apologizes, trying to get closer to Grim as she continues to squeeze through. For some of the students, they did not appreciate being hit, pulling out their pens, but luckily, Ace and Deuce saw their intentions and only blocked their view of her in the crowd, making sure that they won't attack a poor defenseless, magicless, girl. Soon enough, Grim reaches the counter and takes the grilled cheese from the counter along with some other things as he escapes the crowd. All Angel could do was pay for the items Grim gotten, trying to at least do good after all the stealing Grim did. Once Grim was preoccupied with his haul, Angel was able to grab him, walking back to where Deuce and Ace is.

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