🌹The Red Rose Tyrant🌹 Chapter 16

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A/N: I tried to describe the outfits of the guys and I kinda suck at it because I wrote it late at night and got confused with things so this is the picture for their dorm uniforms. Maybe I should do this more often so you guys can have a better description of what I'm describing with outfits. The characters outfit is based off my imagination and styles of dresses so bare with me (idk fashion that well 😖)

After the trees were done being painting, everyone starts to pant from the use of magic, aside from Ace and Angel who only panted from exhaustion of painting.

"...Well, this is going better than before," Deuce says as he's panting, looking at the red roses on the trees.

"Looking good!" Cater says as he inspects the roses, giving the four his approval. He looks at the time on his phone. "Ooh, it's almost time! Okay, all you sexy body doubles, that's a wrap!"

"Aye-aye, Cay-Cay!" They all say, making Angel giggle at their send off as they all morph back into Cater.

"Aw, teacup! Did that make you laugh?" Cater notices Angel's giggling. "I'll make more of them for you if you want!"

"Ah...It's fine. I don't want you to push yourself," Angel says as she sweat drops to Cater's suggestion.

"Anyway, let's head to the party, shall we?" Cater says to the freshmen, who gathered their breaths and just followed Cater deeper into the rose maze. After a few twists and turns, they arrive at a clearing that was beautifully decorated with tables, various seating, and trinkets. The tables had a white tablecloth, with various trinkets on each table, ranging from hats, cards, teacups, teapots, and even sweets. Even the seating varied from stacks books, stools, chairs, and even tiny stools on top of the stacked book. Angel looked at the clearing, amazed at the fact that there were things she hasn't even seen before. Cater only smiles at the girl's innocence and instantly, a horn sounds, causing the five to turn to a student.

"All hail our leader, the red sovereign himself.... Housewarden Riddle!"

As Riddle and Trey walk in, Angel looks at their outfits. Completely different from the outfit he usually wears, Trey was wearing a colorful jacket of red, black, and white. The right sleeve of his jacket consisted of black with a red cuff, and the left sleeve was a checked patterned of white and black. His jacket was white, with different color collar, with right side being black and the right side being red, and a red stained white rose pinned on the red collar. He was wearing a white fedora with a yellow and black band across it, matching the yellow and black band across his waist, with a red ribbon on the side. Her eyes when from Trey to Riddle, who really stood out. Despite his size, Riddle was decked out with the same colors, but only more extravagantly, proving that he was a sovereign. Unlike the open jacket Trey was donning, Riddle's was closed, and if that didn't make him different, there was a cape that completely covered his left arm and side, sporting black on the outside of the cape and red on the inside. His pants were more puffed up than the straight pants everyone was wearing, almost getting designs from a dress as roses were placed on the side of the pants, with layers designing the pants, and sees that he's wearing some knee high black boots with gold trim with heels. She sees that he's wearing a tiny yellow crown on his head, reminding her of someone familiar.

"We salute you, Housewarden Riddle!" The students of Heartslabyul says as Riddle stops and inspects his surroundings.

"Hm. The garden roses are red, the tablecloths are white...This seems a proper unbirthday indeed," he says, looking at a few students. "Is there a dormouse asleep in the teapot, as there should be?"

"Of course." Trey responds. "And should it become necessary, we've also prepared the jam to spread on his nose."

"Very good," Riddle crosses his arm in approval.

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