🌹The Red Rose Tyrant🌹 Chapter 9

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"Bwah?! Housewarden!" Ace exclaims in fear as Riddle stands behind him, arms folded glaring at him.

"Hey, Riddle! What's shakin', pal? You're lookin' adorbs, as always!" Cater greets him, trying to lessen his sour mood.

"Hmph. Cater, keep running that mouth and you'll lose it – along with the rest of your head," Riddle says, turning his glare from Ace to Cater.

"Sorry, sorry! My bad!" Cater says, as he chuckles awkwardly, rubbing his neck.

Riddle stares at Angel and Grim, who is staring at them in both shock and fear. "You're the ones who caused a commotion at orientation?" Angel just sighs at the statement. I guess that's what everyone is calling us now...

"Myah?! You're the guy who put that stupid collar on me at the orientation ceremony!" Grim says, while Angel just pets him.

"And you're the new students who were nearly expelled yesterday," Riddle replies. "I'll ask that you not refer to my signature spell as a 'stupid collar'. The headmage's habit of tolerating rulebreakers like you is going to send this entire campus spiraling into chaos one day. Those who break the rules should have their heads removed immediately, without exception."

Angel just flinches at his words, mostly due to the harshness of them. Ace just sighs. "Dude, seriously? This guy looks like a wimp, but talks like a monster!"

"The headmage may have forgiven you, but if you break any further rules, I assure you I will not," Riddle says, staring at the quartet specifically. Angel just looks down from his stare.

"So, uh, listen, housewarden sir..." Ace starts with an awkward smile on his face. "Any chance I could get you to remove this collar?" Everyone stares at Ace. Deuce is shaking his head, while Trey and Cater is giving him a shocked look, while Angel just stares at him dumbfounded. Ace! Not now! She gestures as he looks at her, but it was already too late.

"I had intended to remove it once you'd taken an opportunity to reflect upon your crimes," Riddle starts, only to smirk at Ace. "But I've not detected so much as a hint of remorse in the foolishness I've heard you spout today. So I think I'll let you keep that for a while." Riddle addresses the group, specifically the freshmen. "Don't worry. The freshman curriculum is more focused on magical theory than practice. And your inability to use magic will help prevent incidents along the lines of what happened yesterday." He finishes with the group flinching at his harsh words. Angel looks at him and he glances at her. He notices her staring at him and addresses her. "Since you don't have magic anyway, it may be your best interest to avoid the troublemakers and focus on your own studies." Angel just shakes and slightly nod her head, not trying to make the boy angry at her. He looks up to the group again. "Now, if you've finished your meal, you should quit gossiping and prepare for your next class. Rule 271 is quite clear: 'One must leave the table within fifteen minutes of completing their lunch.' You DO understand what happens to rulebreakers, I trust?" He glances at Trey and Cater, who only look down to avoid his gaze.

Ace sighs. "More insane rules..." He mumbles but Riddle hears.

"I believe you mean to say, 'Yes, Housewarden!'"

"Yes, Housewarden!" Deuce and Ace respond simultaneously.

"Very well then," Riddle says, satisfied with their reply.

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on them," Trey steps up and tells Riddle.

"Hmm. As vice housewarden, I trust you'll avoid any further indiscreet conversation," Riddle tells Trey as he looks at his watch. "Now, as per rule 339: 'The post meal beverage is to be lemon tea with two sugar cubes.' Thus, I must go to acquire my sugar cubes. Farewell." Riddle starts to walk away. "Don't even get me started on their violation of running out of sugar cubes...!" Riddle mumbles with a frown, making Angel hear him out of earshot. She felt something...off about Riddle as he walks away. She felt as if something was shadowing him, eventually seeing a faint vision of black swirling around him as she watches his retreating figure. What...was that...?

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