🐙The Merchant from the Depths🐙 Chapter 17

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In the Mirror Chamber, Grim, Ace, Deuce, and Jack gather around the Dark Mirror, waiting on Angel to make some preparations before heading to the Coral Sea. "Will Azul's potions really let us breathe underwater?" Deuce asks, looking at the potions.

"Only one way to find out. We'll have to chug 'em and see for ourselves," Jack says.

"Well, we need to wait on Angel for that," Grim says. "Where is she anyway?"

"Oh, I told her to get some stuff for herself," Jack says to the three.

"Huh? Why?" Ace asks.

"W-well..." Jack says with a blush. "It doesn't make sense for her to be in the water with a skirt on. It could hinder her movement underwater." Jack thinks for a moment. "Then again, the skirt didn't hinder her movement yesterday..."

"What happened yesterday?" Deuce asks. "We didn't get to ask since Grim dragged us here, but how did they get to stay at Savanaclaw?"

"They fought their way," Jack states.

The comment leave Ace and Deuce looking at Jack in astonishment. "They WHAT?!"

"The rule had to be that if they wanna stay in Savanaclaw, they had to fight their way in to prove themselves worthy."

"I get that, but this is Angel we're talking about here!" Ace exclaims. "You're saying that Angel, the girl who always looks down on violence of any kind at this school and the quiet one who hides in a corner if given the chance, actually FOUGHT people?!"

"Yeah," Jack says, crossing his arms and smirks. "She got guts, that's for sure. She was able to take down those guys no problem. With a little more training and more force, she could be a force to be reckoned with."

Ace and Deuce couldn't believe the words that came out of Jack's mouth. "I can't believe it..." Ace says.

"I guess those self-defense moves we taught her came in handy..." Deuce thinks out loud.

"No wonder some of those moves seemed a little cheap," Jack says to the two. "You guys taught her moves meant for self-defense. It's not a problem, but it did what it needed to do yesterday. Though, that guy who was thrown might say otherwise."

"SHE THREW SOMEONE?!" The two exclaimed in shock.

"You guys are so loud!" Angel shouts as she approaches the boys. "It's great and all we can use the Dark Mirror but can you guys quiet down?" The boys only look at Angel and instantly see that compared to the uniform she wore, she's in a wetsuit of sorts, and the boys only blush at the outfit. She was wearing a black bodysuit, with dark pink lines along the side of her legs and arms, and saw that it covered her body perfectly, leaving little to the imagination as it showed off her curves and small body. What really surprised them is that instead of letting her hair down as she normally does, her hair is braided into a tight bun, leaving the back of her neck open, which was covered by the wetsuit anyway. "What's wrong?" She nervously asked the guys, bringing them out of their trance as they stare at her.

"Whoa..." Deuce say in awe. "Um! Y-your hair...is up," he stutters, trying to look at her face and not her skin tight body.

"Yeah, I don't know if you guys know this, but long hair and being underwater doesn't really match in terms of controlling it from sight," Angel says bashfully as she pats her hair. "It's enough my hair stands out with color but it's best if it's up for now. It'll block my sight. Thanks again for the suggestion, Jack."

"Y-yeah..." Jack mumbles, trying to put his focus on something else.

Ace only didn't even hear her explanation, only staring at how well the bodysuit fit Angel. He was only brought out of his thoughts when Deuce nudged him, making him blink and glance at him in annoyance for a moment before remembering what they were all here for. "A-anyway," he coughs, bringing everyone's attention back. "Now that we got the potions, time to test if they are effective." Everyone grabs a potion and uncork it, preparing to drink it. Just the smell of the potion made everyone want to gag as they all looked at the potion and then at each other in concern, as if saying we are really doing this. "Okay, on three. One, two...three!" On command, everyone starts drinking the potion, making sure that every last drop is gone from the bottles. Once everyone drank the potion, they all sighed in relief, mostly at the fact that the potion was finally consumed than anything.

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