🌹The Red Rose Tyrant 🌹 Chapter 14

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"Now to give this a once over..." Trey says as he looks over the tart and then nods his head in approval at the four freshmen.

"Finished!" Ace, Angel, and Grim exclaims happily.

"Fin...ished..." Deuce says dejectly.

Ace sighs. "Did something happen to him while you were shopping?" Ace asks Angel.

"Oh...Let's just say that he had a big revelation today," Angel answers Ace, giving him a nervous smile. He only looked at her confused.

"For sixteen years, I was so sure..." Deuce mumbles.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm pretty beat," Ace says as he starts stretching. "Making tarts sure takes it outta you."

The door to the kitchen opens and the five of them turned around to see Cater giving them a smile. "Hey fam! You look wrecked. Are the tarts done?" He walks towards the island counter and looks at the tarts laid out. "Ooh, those look sooo cute! Lemme snap a quick pic for Magicam!" Cater says as he pulls out his phone and take a picture of the tarts.

"What, NOW you decide to show up?" Ace angrily says to Cater with his hands on his hips.

"I just came to see how hard my little newbs were working," Cater says as he stares at the freshmen.

Trey only chuckles. "It's tough work if you're not used to it. But there's no better cure for the ails of fatigue than something sweet from the oven! Help yourself to some of this tart."

"YAY!" Everyone cheers as they start getting a tart. Angel only watches before getting her, only to find out that Trey already got on her one and handed it to her. She gratefully accepts and gives him a smile, in which he smiled back.

"Pretty funny how you managed to show right when it was ready to eat, Cater," Ace looks at Cater suspiciously.

"Heh heh. Someone's gotta be the official taster!" Cater says with a pose of a peace sign on his head. Ace only sighs.

"Mmmmm...That smells so good..." Grim says as he sniffs the tart. "Glossy chestnuts on top, fluffy cream below, and fruit around the cream...I can't wait another second, I'm going in!"

Everyone takes a bite of the tart; their eyes widen at that taste exploding in their mouths.

"Oh dang..." Ace says with his mouth full.

"Yuuuum! Liked and subscriiibed!" Cater exclaims.

"Yummy! Soo good!" Angel happily says.

"This is like something from a fancy bakery," Deuce says, his spirit returning.

"Rich in flavor, yet not too sweet...It's like chestnuts are dancing across my tongue! And the fruit gives it that subtle sweetness that's not too overpowering but fits the chestnuts so well!" Grim exclaims as he continues to eat the tart.

"Is that...a good thing?" Trey sweat drops to Grim's description.

Cater looks at Trey and calls his attention. "Oh, Trey! You gotta do the thing."

"The thing? Oh...That."

"Uh, wanna fill me in here?" Ace says as he takes another bite of his tart.

"What's everyone's favorite food?" Trey asks the four.

"Me? Probably cherry pie, or hamburgers," Ace replies.

"Canned tuna's at the top of my list. Then maybe cheese omelets, roast meat, pudding..." Grim lists off.

"If I had to pick, I guess I'd say...omelet rice?" Deuce thinks about his answer.

"I like a nice lamb chop with diablo sauce," Cater says.

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