🐙The Merchant from the Depths🐙 Chapter 7

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A/N: so like I just realized that the movie The Little Mermaid is being released tomorrow and I would just like to say it's complete coincidence that book 3 and the movie were being released at the same time. Totally forgot until now

The next day, Angel approaches the 2nd floor hallway, ready to start observing her target. As she gets ready, a shadow towers her, making her turn around and see Jack, a surprise on her face. "Yo. I'm here and ready to get this Azul recon started," he said.

Angel only blinked for a moment, trying to process why in the world Jack of all people were here. "...I...wasn't expecting you to show up. I know you never miss class."

Jack only sighed and scratched his head. "Look, the headmage ordered this personally. He'll let an unexcused absence slide. Besides, I don't like admittin' defeat. If there's a chance to uncover the secret to Azul's power, I wanna be there when we learn it." Angel only nods at his reasoning, at least grateful that she won't be doing this alone.

"Well then, let's get started," Angel says. "I got Azul's class schedule from Riddle and Cater so we should be able to track his classes and see how he does." Jack only nods and the two head to their first location.

First Period- Music

As Angel and Jack approach the music classroom, they quietly snuck into the back of the class, ignoring the other students, and keeping and eye on the front, seeing that Azul is singing to the class.

"Traaa-lalala-lalalaaa..." Azul proudly sings to the class, with some of the students seeming to be mesmerized by his voice. Angel and Jack were no exception to this as they only watch him.

"Huh. Guy's got some pipes," Jack whispers to Angel and she could only agree with him, watching him sing. Once Azul finished singing, the class clapped and he bowed, eventually sitting in his seat. Angel and Jack could only watch the class continue, leaving right before the bell rang to avoid any suspicion. The two decided to hide behind a corner when class let out, making sure to keep a respectable distance away from Azul as he heads to his next class.

Second Period- Animal Linguistics

Just like before, Angel and Jack snuck into the classroom, stopping right at the door and watched the scene in front of them. They see that Lucius and Azul are facing each other, meowing at each other as the two freshmen only look at them in confusion. Trein only observing the two's 'conversation'.

"Mrooowr...Mrr, mrah!" Azul meows, putting in a pitch when needed.

"Mrooowr....Mowow," Lucius meows.

"Yes, yes. I see," Azul says as he nods his head and looks to Trein. "Lucius says that the last time you gave him a treat was three hours ago, Professor Trein."

Trein only crosses his arms, a sign that he does when he acknowledges a student's answer. "Well done, Ashengrotto. That's correct."

Angel could only look at the scene in awe. People can speak to animals here...? She looked over to Jack, seeing his ears and tail. Ah...I guess with people like Jack, Ruggie, and Leona, the prospect isn't too far off.

"So, he doesn't just understand animal languages-he speaks 'em, too?" Jack says as he looks over to Angel staring at him. "Hey, pay attention. We're observin' a target here."

"Ah, right. Sorry," Angel says as she only focuses back to Azul, who sat down in his seat. The two figured out there was nothing left to observe and left the classroom, waiting for class to change.

Third Period-Potionology

The two head towards the alchemy lab, a windowed building a little before the botanical gardens. She looks around, seeing that there were various plants, herbs, fruits, and potions scattered about, but decided to steer clear of the items and only focus on the scene in front of them. With Crewel knowing about the headmage request, he welcomed both Angel and Jack with a glance and gave them a look of silence as they snuck in, trying to focus on their recon. They see that Crewel is standing behind Azul, watching him put ingredients in the cauldron in front of him as he makes a potion.

"A beluga tooth, a sturgeon egg, aurora moth scales, mermaid tears..." He says as he adds the specific ingredients. "Add in an extract from 120 types of medicinal herbs blended together, and..." He mixes the content in the cauldron, a smoke of purple exploding with a slight POOF! sound as Azul only stare in the cauldron, a smile appearing on his face. "Done! You can drink this potion to transform a body part into that of a different animal," he says to Crewel, as Crewel only walks over to the cauldron and looks at the contents, smiling as well.

"That's a very good boy!" Crewel praises. "You just formulated a potion that would usually go on the junior-year class's final exams." He faces the rest of the students. "The rest of you whelps should learn from Ashengrotto's example."

The freshmen could only observe Azul. "AND the guy brews high-level potions as easily as a barista slings lattes...Sheesh," Jack whispers. Angel only tries to make a mental note of the potion Azul just made.

"I think it's safe to say that he doesn't have a flaw academically," Angel whispers with a sigh. "Let's head back." Jack only nods and the two leave.

During lunchtime, the two could only carefully observe Azul as they stand in line, trying to obtain food as they keep an eye on him. They see Azul looking at the dishes on the table, thinking about what to get. "I think I'll have some squid ink pasta for lunch today. Ah, but I do need my vegetables as well," he mumbles while the two grab their food. "An all-carb-meal would be quite nutritionally lopsided...and more to the point, it would go straight to my thighs," he sighs.

Angel and Jack grabbed their food and left, heading to a table as they only sat down. They both sigh. "Seems like Azul's a perfect honors student in every way," Jack says as he scratches his head.

"At least we know that he doesn't have a flaw academically," Angel says. "It could be a problem."

Soon enough, they were joined by a particular trio, each of them releasing a sigh of tiredness as they only sat down at the table with their food and lay down, trying to get a few minutes of rest. "Mroooow..." Grim groans. "Azul sure didn't waste any time workin' us to the bone. If I wasn't dead on my feet before, I sure am now."

"Cleaning Octavinelle Dorm, waiting tables at the lounge, going on grocery runs..." Ace tiredly lists then sighs. "He's been running me ragged."

"I got called in at 6 a.m. this morning," Deuce groans.

"I gotta go back to help out at the Mostro Lounge after this," Ace complains.

"Housewarden Rosehearts was all like 'You made a contract with Azul? Off with your head!' He made me write lines as a punishment..." Yeah...that's Riddle alright. I could imagine it.

"This sea anemone on my head just won't come off either. I look like a total goofball," Grim states.

"I don't think you look any different than half the student body here, Grim," Angel says as she and Jack see about half of the students with the sea anemone on their heads as well. The trio could only sigh collectively.

"Pah. You reap what you sow," Jack states as he looks at the three.

Angel could only look at the three, her heart heavy as she only sighs. "I wish I could get you guys out of this mess as soon as possible..." She speaks.

"Why the long faces, boys?" A sudden voice appears, making everyone look to see that both Jade and Floyd approached their table, smiles on their faces while they tower over the five. The trio only jump at the sudden intruders while Angel and Jack could look at them in surprise.

"Aha ha, look!" Floyd laughs and point at the anemones. "It's a sea anemone garden."

"Myah! It's the lookalike brothers!" Grim angrily exclaims.

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