✨Side Story 7: Can I Touch It?✨

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A/N: I know what you guys are thinking. We are an innocent Christian story here you know

"Myah! Angel, stop pettin' me!" Grim complains while Angel only pets Grim.

"Sorry, Grim, you're just so cute and soft," Angel says with a smile as she stops petting Grim, making him sigh.

"Hmph. You treat me like a cat but I ain't a cat! I'm gonna be the next headmage!" Grim crosses his paws at Angel and glares at her.

"Yes, yes. I know, Grim. Grim the Magnificent is too good for pets from common people," Angel says.

"Ya got that right!" Grim smirks. "I'll be too busy being fawned over by other people to worry about being petted."

Angel only giggles at Grim, while he imagines his future. The two of them were sitting in the courtyard, with Grim on Angel's lap, taking a break from classes as they sit on the bench, basically sunbathing and looking at anyone that crosses their path. Even though the two were enemies about a month ago, the two did at least become fast friends, with Angel understanding Grim's ideals and motivation and Grim understanding Angel's emotions and expressions. It was a good exchange for the two, since they mellowed each other out, and Angel had an animal friend to keep her company, which Grim openly complained about it, but accepted her affection, secretly enjoying the pets and hugs he gets. While they were talking, Angel's eyes spot one of the few people that caught her attention, a specific silver haired wolf as he walks into the courtyard, scratching his head. Angel has always been curious about the guys in Savanaclaw, specifically Jack, Ruggie, and Leona. She's never seen people with half animal qualities before and wanted to see if she could touch their ears and tails, wondering if they were as soft as it looks. However, knowing their temperaments and attitudes at the time, she thought she could at least hold back on the simple request, with her not knowing them at the time, but after the Spelldrive incident, she thought that they at least got a little closer, or at least close enough that she could ask them questions about their lifestyle. She sees Jack walking to the center of the courtyard, looking at the fountain as he takes a second to sort what's on his mind. Angel could only watch him, keeping an eye on his ears and tail as Grim continues talking, not knowing about her attention shifting. Jack on the other hand felt eyes on him, mainly because he sensed it, and turned around, seeing Angel staring right at him, which she only noticed and looked away in embarrassment. He only sighed and walked towards the duo, a shadow appearing over Grim as he was still talking. He noticed the shadow and stopped. "Hey, what's goin' on with the sun-" he said as he turns around seeing Jack looking at him, making him jump. "Myah?! Where'd ya come from, Jack?!"

"I felt that someone was watchin' me and found out it was you two," Jack states crossing his arms. "If you have something to say, say it," he says to Angel, who only looks at him glaring at her.

"Ah, well..." Angel starts, trying to find the words that won't offend Jack but also trying not to anger the boy. "I was, um, wondering about your ears and tail...and was wondering if I could, um, touch them..." She said the last part silently, in which Jack heard.

"No," Jack curtly says, dashing Angel's hopes. She knew that Jack would be the most adamant about people touching his ears or tail, but he didn't even think about it. "I don't let anyone touch them except me and my family."

"Ah...sorry for asking..." Angel quietly says, ashamed by her question. Grim only notices and glares at Jack.

"Hey, just let her touch 'em." Jack and Angel only look at Grim in surprise.

"And why should I do that?" Jack asks.

"She's been watching ya for a few days," Grim starts, making Angel blush at the statement. "Knowing her, she's been waiting to touch ya ears and tail ever since she met ya. Now obviously, you can't compete with my soft fur, but it won't kill ya to let her touch you."

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