✨Side Story 20: Movie Night ✨

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A/N: This side story is based on Idia's vignette "It's about the Aesthetic" 8/3/23

"...And then, he fell on his way out, his pants ripping for everyone to see!" Ace says as Angel and Grim laugh at the story, walking down Main Street.

"Myah ha ha ha! That's what he gets!" Grim says as he laughs.

"I know it's bad to laugh, but I can't help it," Angel says, trying not to laugh but fails.

"Yeah, I know, but he had what's coming to him," Ace states. "The guy was a jerk, thinking he knew everything when other people were right."

"If I was there, he wouldn't be number one. I'd burn him to a crisp with my magic!" Grim says, putting a paw on his chest confidently.

Ace only rolled his eyes. "Yeah, until someone pours water on you then you back to bein' a normal cat."

"Hey! I'm not a cat!"

"Sure look like one to me," Ace smirks.

Grim only growls at Ace, ready to lash out until Angel pet him down. "Hey, Grim, let's not today. It's been a long day so no fighting." Grim only scoffs at the plea, grumbling to himself.

"Anyway, any plans tonight?" Ace asks the two. "It's good that you two have the whole dorm to yourself, so you could do anything you want."

"Hmmm..." Angel thinks. "I mean, I did my homework and don't really feel like cleaning today, so I don't know."

"I'll just watch TV," Grim states. "It's fun seein' what humans come up with to entertain me."

"Oh right, you guys got a TV, huh," Ace says and the two nodded. "Hmm..." He looks around, seeing a poster. "Oh hey, I have an idea. How about a movie night?"

"A movie night? What's that?" Grim asks. Even Angel had a confused look at what Ace was talking about.

Ace only sigh at the two. "Man, you two sure are somethin' else. A movie night is exactly what it is: a night of watchin' movies, alone or with friends. If Riddle allows it, we have them every now and then at the dorm, but as long as we follow the rules, we're good. I'm amazed you guys never had one."

"Well, Angel usually reads or do something else while I do my own thing, so we never actually sat down and watched a movie," Grim says as he thinks about the idea.

"Plus, we wouldn't even know where to start," Angel says. "I don't really know what movies would be in a world like Twisted Wonderland."

"What kind of movies did you guys have?" Ace curiously asks.

"Um...I guess stuff like superheroes, romance, adventure...I think those are normal," Angel says, thinking and hesitating on the words to say. "I think something like that..."

"Whoa whoa whoa. No need to wrack your brain there," Ace says, putting a hand on her head and ruffling up her hair. "Let your memories come in time, you'll remember soon enough, but in the meantime, luckily for you two," he smirks. "You have a bonafide movie expert right in front of you!"

The two only stare at him. "You? An expert on somethin'?" Grim asks, skeptical on the statement.

"Hey, me and my brother watch movies on the regular. If you need a guide on what movies to watch, then I'm your man."

"Oh, you have a brother?" Angel asks.

"That's right," Ace answers. "Huh, speaking of which, I don't think I told you about him. Well, he came to Night Raven College when he was a freshmen, and you can say I followed in his footsteps. Same dorm and everythin'. He's only about 7 years older than me, but that didn't stop him from sharin' stuff with me, plus, he taught me the ins and outs of the school," he winks and Grim only sighs.

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