🛷(EVENT STORY) The Harveston Sledathon: Finale🛷

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The next day around the time the festival starts, the seven gathered at the racing grounds, preparing to start the race. "It's finally time for the big race! Can't you feel the tension?" Epel asks the boys.

"I certainly can." Jade responds calmly.

"You don't look tense at all, Jade..."

"Hey, Sebek! You've been shiverin' this whole time. Still not used to the cold, eh?" Grim asks.

"I'm not shivering. I'm simply trembling with anticipation for our  victory!" Sebek yells.

"Come over here, Epel," Marja calls out.

Epel heads towards Marja. "What is it, Grandma?"

"I want you to wear this," she says, holding out a cloak.

"What?! But it's your cloak! Why are you giving it to me?" Epel says in shock as he looks at the cloak.

"You used to love this cloak when you were little. You'd always pat it and get all bright-eyed whenever I wore it."

"I guess I did, huh? That takes me back..."

"I sewed it myself. It's a traditional part of our applepoms, and I've worn it in plenty of sledathons myself."

"Whoa, Granny was a musher?!" Grim exclaims.

"Oh, yes! I was our team leader, as a matter of fact. We never lost a race back then, even when we were up against a hundred teams. I was actually kind of famous back in those days. Heh heh, it's a little embarrassin' to say now...They even made a cartoon years later based on my sled team."

"...Wait, I'm sorry, WHAT?!" Idia shouts at the description. "Are you talking about Beauties Sleeping, the main team in Sled Over Heels?!"

"That's the one! You're pretty well-informed for a young'un."

"So that means Epel's grandma is the inspiration of Ai, the team leader!" Idia explains. Everyone only look at Marja in shock.

"What?! She is?!" Epel says in shock.

"DUUUUUUUDE. SHE'S BEST GIRL BY FAR!" Idia shouts. "Would you autograph my Sled Over Heels guidebook? And can I take a picture with you?!" Idia asks Marja, who is taken aback by the questions.

"Goodness, what's all this now?"

"So Epel's grandmother inspired the Sled Over Heels anime. How very interesting," Jade states.

"This is the best anime pilgrimage ever! It's 10 billion levels beyond cool! I'm so glad I came to Harveston!"

"Epel, I want you to wear the cloak I always did when I won my races," Marja says to Epel. "I retailored it a bit last night to make sure it'd fit."

"Golly...I'm touched. Thanks a bunch, Meemaw!" Epel says as he puts the cloak on. The cloak was light purple, with white fur lining the edges and the chest area has the embroidery of apples and flowers. On the shoulders, there are fabric in the shape of snowflakes. "It's so warm and cozy, and it fits just right!" Epel says as he admires the cloak. "The apple and flower embroidery's incredible too!"

"You look just like a picture," Marja says happily. "My little grandbaby's all grown up..." Marja says softly, tears pooling in her eyes.

Epel catches on. "Meemaw, are you crying?"

"No, silly! The snow's reflectin' the sun into my eyes, that's all."

"Look at the lovely snowflakes on the shoulders. This truly is an exquisite cloak," Jade states as he inspects the cloak. "You're looking more gallant already, Epel."

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